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Noak Bridge Primary SchoolExcellence, Growth, Achievement.

Welcome toNoak Bridge Primary SchoolExcellence, Growth, Achievement.

Achieving School Aims and Values

Amazing Achievements






Sonny Shurety – For his superb effort in his phonic sessions.

Charlee - Rose Harris – For her excellent effort in writing and building words with her sound mat.

(Healthy) Imogen Garrett – For being enthusiastic during our 1st PE lesson.

Finn Stokes – For creating an excellent story book of The Gruffalo.

Arthur Bulgin – For his superb effort when participating in our group phonic sessions. 

(Healthy) Emelia Andrews – For being a great role model during our PE lessons. 

Jaxon Pidgeon – For his superb effort using the sound mat to help build a word when writing.
Ciara Walsh – For creating a fantastic story map of Little Red Riding Hood.

(Effective Communicator) Blake O’Shea - For always asking for help when needed. 

Harrison Smith – For creating a beautiful daffodil to celebrate St David’s Day. 

Rae Skingley – For a fantastic effort writing a sentence independently.  

(Respectful) Rhys Milbank – For always using good manners remembering to say please and Thank you. 

Riley Troop – For a great effort using his sound mat to build a sentence about Handa’s surprise. 

Harrison Samuels – For his superb effort of blending words in our phonics sessions.

(Kind) Olivia Fraser – For being kind and letting her friend have the first turn on the bikes. 

Blake O’Shea - For a fantastic effort learning number bonds to 10. 

Jesse White -  For creating a great zoo enclosure from Sticklebricks. 

(Honest) Summer Crosby – For always being honest when she needs help in lessons. 

Lola Barnes – For writing a fantastic description of Goldilocks.

Teddy – For creating brilliant props from the Goldilocks story out of Lego.

(Healthy) Esmee Phillips – For always bringing a healthy snack.

Emily Back – For a fantastic sentence about The Enormous Turnip. 

Charlee-Rose Harris – For an excellent effort during phonic sessions. 

(Creative) Esmee Phillips – For creating a brilliant 2D jacket and 3D party hat in our Art lesson. 

Eddie Delaney – For a great understanding of composition to 5. 

Emelia Andrews – For writing a great Polar Explorer’s list.

(Effective Communicator) Charlee-Rose Harris – For asking for help when needed.

Imogen Garrett – For a fantastic Rangoli pattern design.

Jaxson Pidgeon – For a great effort when subitising numbers to 3. 

(Creative) Emelia Andrews – for creating a beautiful Mendhi design for Diwali. 

Sonny Shurety – For creating a brilliant fireworks picture. 

Arthur Bulgin- For his brilliant effort during phonic sessions. 

(Effective Communicator) Eddie Delaney – For his fantastic contributions during class discussions about Bonfire night. 

Esmee Phillips – For great teamwork and taking turns when playing a group game. 

Emelia Andrews – For working hard matching the initial sounds to picture cards. 

(Respectful) Harrison Samuels – For always using good manners and remembering please and thank you. 

Roman Marler – For great understanding of repeating patterns. 

Darcey Stephens – For great effort using the phonic sound mat to build a word. 

(Positive) Emily Back – For always having a positive attitude towards all of her learning.

Rae Skingley – For a great effort in learning all of her phonic sounds. 

Freddie Stubbs- For his super listening ears and following instructions. 

(Honest) Roman Marler – For asking for help when needed. 

Jaxson Pidgeon – For his great use of imagination when constructing a house.

Lola Barnes – For being a kind and caring friend. 

(Healthy) Esmee Phillips – For always bringing in a healthy snack.

Eddie Delaney – For trying new activities and being a good role model. 

Teddy LLoyd – For being responsible and tidying up without being asked to. 

(Creative) Olivia Fraser – For creating a colourful teddy bear stick puppet. 

Harrison Smith – For settling in well and coming into school with a smile on his face. 

Charlee-Rose - For learning class routines quickly and sensibly. 

(Effective Communicator) Darcey Stephens – For asking for help when needed. 





Year 1


Elijah Akujobi – for being super helpful in class and helping everyone including the adults build their chairs in DT.

Macie Cassidy – for being really kind and helpful by giving up her snack time to help tidy the classroom without prompting.

(Kind) – Freddie for sharing his bag of raisins at snack time.  

Caitlin Arnold – for her excellent instructions on how to make a sandwich. 

Freddie Watt – for his neat presentation of his instructions on how to make a sandwich. 

(Honest) – Mille Whitt for always telling the truth and listening when others are upset. 

Harley Woodroof – for his effort ad concentration in his work. 

Olivia Stack – for her effort and concentration in her work and for asking for help when she needs it. 

(Healthy) Archie Johnson – for enthusiasm in PE practicing his throwing and catching.

Ernie Hornett – for his amazing knowledge in Geography of our country. 

Mille Whitt – for her enthusiasm in Phonics lessons.

(Creative) Harrison Pidgeon – for excellent effort for his Eric Carle inspired butterfly collage for our WBD activity. 

Ayda Dare – for always being enthusiastic in her learning and always trying her best. 

 Eden Umar – for the care and attention to the presentation of his work in all lessons. 

(Effective Communicator) Olivia Stack – for always asking for help when needed and for being supportive to her friends. 

Isla Colyer – for perseverance on her mouse control in computing. 

Freddie Watt – for working hard to improve his handwriting. 

(Respectful) – Eden Umar for always using his manners. 

Violet Jiggins – for always putting in 100% effort in all lessons. 

Jessie Probert – for great effort and concentration in Maths. 

(Positive) Dexter Marler – for always having a positive attitude towards his work. 

Isla Colyer – for her effort and improvement in her handwriting, remembering to use finger spaces. 

Dexter Marler – for being supportive to his friends in class. 

(Kind) - Sophie Martin – for always being very considerate, caring and kind to everyone. 

Harley Woodruff – for excellent effort writing his story. 

Jessie Probert – for excellent effort writing her story.  

(Honest) Gia Houghton – for making excellent choices this week and recognizing when she needs help. 

Leo Hyde – for always being ready focused and ready to learn.

Eden Umar – for participating in class discussions. It has been lovely watching his confidence grow. 

(Healthy) Aaliyah Said for excellent demonstrations of gymnastic shapes. 

Archie Johnson – for working hard in all lessons. 

Millie Whitt – for great effort in Phonics. 

(Creative) Violet Jiggins – for her lovely Orla Kiely design in art. 

Lyric Brown – for excellent effort in Phonics.

Harrison Pidgeon – for his 2D and 3D shape knowledge.

(Positive) Jessie Probert – for having a positive attitude and ready to learn. 

Ernie Hornett – for working really hard to improve his handwriting.

Isla Colyer – for her effort and super knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes.

(Kind) Sophie Martin – for always being a ray of sunshine and cheering everyone up.

Dexter Marler – for being an excellent role model in class. 

Ernie Hornett – for super listening and excellent behaviour on our local area walk. 

(Honest) Olivia Stack – for always being honest and asking for help when she needs it. 

Caitlin Arnold – for effort in her story plan for The Enormous Turnip. 

Frazer Driscoll – for perseverance in writing his story plan for The Enormous Turnip. 

(Healthy) Millie Whitt – for showing excellent leadership skills in PE.

Jax Gladwell – for his super effort in his observational drawing of a shell. 

Caitlin Arnold – for her super effort in her observational drawing of a shell. 

(Creative) Fallon Forster – for her effort and level of detail in her observational drawing. 

Ernie Hornett – for super effort and concentration in all lessons.

Jax Gladwell – for being focused and trying hard to improve his handwriting. 

(Creative) Nyla Skipper – for her super snail spiral artwork. 

Florence Haley – for working independently and trying hard writing her sentences. 

Freddie Watt – for his neat presentation of his spiral snail artwork. 

(Respectful) Elissa Georgiou-Gray - for always being patient and ready to listen. 

Ayda Dare – for super effort and concentration in Phonics.

Dexter Marler – For his excellent reading of Maths questions to help everyone in class. 

(Kind) Sophie Martin – for the calming support, and help she provides to her friends and adults in the classroom. 

Olivia Stack – for participation and enthusiasm in all lessons 

Jessie Probert – for her neat presentation of her artwork mixing primary colours. 

(Honest) Leo Hyde – for asking for help when he is unsure. 

Elijah Akujobi – for super effort and concentration in English.

Harrison Pidgeon – for super effort and concentration on his letter formation. 

(Healthy) Tallulah Hicksford – for being eager and ready to learn in PE. 

Ernie Hornett for settling in well and being eager and enthusiastic to learn. 

Millie Whitt for super effort and concentration.  

(Creative) Ernie Hornett for making an excellent colour monster out of plasticine. 





Year 2


Millie Morris – For checking and edit her work.

Phoebe Twin – For her hard work and participation in lessons.

(Positive) - Shae Wells – For having a positive attitude towards his learning.

Charlie Probert – For working so hard to catch up. 

Tiana Gladwell – For a positive change in attitude towards school. 

(Kind) Harry Garrett – For showing kindness to his peers.

Mollie Harwood – For her continuous attitude and enthusiasm towards school and her learning. 

Piper Collins – For her positive attitude and supporting others when they need it. 

(Honest) Emily Johnson – For being honest if she is unsure of something she is doing.

Shae Wells – For his change in attitude towards his learning and being kind to the new pupil in our class. 

Holly Gray – For settling into her new school and class so well. 

(Healthy) Harriet Croom – For her effort to encourage others during PE lessons. 

Fikayo Odewale -  For his continuous hard work and focus in all lessons. 

Millie Morris – For cheering up her friends when they are feeling down. 

(Kind) Lennon Levitt – For always being kind and caring towards his peers.

Hector Clark – For his hard work and trying his best.

(Honest) Piper Collins – For being honest if she is unsure or nervous about her work. 

Murphy Adkins – for taking over many roles in our nativity when others have been absent. 

Ariah Sebogiso – For settling in well and learning the songs for our nativity. 

Hector Clark – for his incredible effort when writing his own diary story in English.

Harriet Croom – For effort and enthusiasm towards her learning. 

Robin Gibson – For his enthusiasm and participation in all lessons and activities. 

(Kind) Lennon Levitt – For encouraging others when practicing our nativity play.

Harry Garrett – For his continuous effort and participation in all lessons. 

Olivia Twin – For her improved effort and focus in lessons.

(Honest) Murphy Adkins – For always being honest about her learning. 

Luca Armstrong – For his continued effort in all lessons and phonic sessions. 

Angelina Lee – An increased effort and focus in maths.

(Healthy) Millie Morris – For her great effort and enthusiasm during PE lessons.

Tiana Gladwell – for her continuous hard work and participation in all lessons. 

Lennon Levitt – For his hard work and effort to stay focused. 

Effective communicator – Charlie Probert – For explaining how he found his answers in Maths. 

Amelie James – For her hard work and enthusiasm. 

Angelina Lee – For never giving up and trying her best in all lessons.

(Positive) Murphy Adkins – For always having a positive attitude towards all of her learning.

Eva Batth - For working exceptionally hard in all lessons.

Charlie Probert – For his enthusiasm towards his learning and contributions. 

(Kind) Isla O’Brien – For always being kind to her peers both in and out of the classroom. 

Piper Collins – For being kind and moving chairs to work with different children. 

Jay Newman – for always trying his best to contribute in lessons, even when he is unsure.

(Honest) Olivia Twin – For beginning to ask for help when she is unsure. 

Finley Magner – For being enthusiastic about his learning. 

Arthur Smith – For participating fully in his work and settling into year 2 well. 

(Healthy) Fikayo Odewale – For being enthusiastic during our first PE session. 




Year 3


Evelyn Salmon – For excellent effort and improvement on her maths.

Beauie Atkins – For a great job asking questions and being persistent in maths.

(Positive) - Archie Barnes – For a positive and friendly attitude with all his peers.

Mia Fleming – For an exceptional reading of similes in ‘The Flibbit’.

Teddy Whiteman – For hard work and great improvement on his patience and perseverance.

(Positive) Amelia Mayell – For her always positive and sunny attitude.

Alma Andre-Prince – For excellent attention to detail in mark making in Art.

Elijah Armstrong – For being a fantastic teacher and helper for our first time sewing in Year 3.

(Kind) - Kiara Hudson – For being a kind and caring friend to everyone she meets.

Bonni Crudgington – For setting an example of good effort and fair play in PE. 

Amelia Mayell – For persistence and determination in all of her lessons, even when something is tricky. 

(Honest) Oliver Rothery – for always telling the truth, even when it’s hard. 

Theo Bailey – For a fantastic reading of The Lorax in our reader’s theatre. 

Cleo Langham – For being a fantastic help to her teachers around the classroom.

(Healthy) Hazel Hill – for her high energy (and speed) in PE lessons.

Leo Troop – For a fantastic effort on his persuasive flyer.

Hazel Hill – For taking care of her friends when they weren’t feeling well.

(Creative) Erin Fuller – for her colourful and creative drawings.

Nancy-Rose Day – For hard work and determination in our fractions unit. 

Oliver Rothery – For excellent form and control in gymnastics. 

(Effective Communicator) Joshua Binning - for thoughtful contributions to class discussions.

Alex Salmon – for excellent focus and hard work in lessons. 

Mason De Canha – for excellent focus and hard work in lessons. 

(Respectful) – Kiara Hudson – for setting an example of respect for herself and others. 

Yousuf Umar – for setting an excellent example of Year 3 behaviour for his peers. 

Ndudim Nnochiri – for helping out in our class (and Year 4!) 

(Positive) Tommee Davies – for having a positive attitude towards school. 

Lola Greenway – for excellent contributions of interesting speech verbs in English. 

(Kind) Olivia Hamm – for being a kind and caring friend to all her peers.

Beauie Atkins – for always being helpful to her teachers and peers. 

Leo Troop – for his hard work on Sumdog at home and school. 

(Honest) Nancy-Rose Day – for always being honest when she needs help in lessons. 

Amelia Mayell – For persistence and courage in building her Mesolithic tent.

Oliver Rothery – For excellent effort and focus on all of his tests.

(Effective Communicator) Mason De Canha – For consistently and clearly sharing his ideas in whole class discussions.

Teddy Whiteman – for his detailed, well-written guided voyage and return story.

Erin Fuller – for working hard to regulate her emotions. 

(Respectful) Bonni Crudgington – for always setting an example of following our classroom rules. 

Mia Fleming – For showing good conversational skills, and improved waiting and listening.  

Cleo Langham for accurately building a tetrahedron, from a net.  

(Positive) Yousuf Umar - for having a positive disposition and bringing a great smile into the classroom. 

Mason De Canha – for participating well in discussions and working hard. 

Alex Salmon – for good listening and working hard. 

(Kind) Hazel Hill - for helping others when making tetrahedrons.

Bobbi Bewley – for consistently working hard in all lessons.

Lola Greenway – for always being helpful in class. 

(Honest) Archie Barnes – for always being honest about all things. 

Jessie Hones - Trying hard to focus on her work. 

Teddy Whiteman – for persevering when learning to play the recorder.  

(Healthy) Alma – for participating in lots of extra-curricular sporting activities 

Eli Armstrong – For being a good role model with listening.

Nancy Day – For always being willing to help others.

(Creative) Tommee Davies – For his love of drawing and sharing his work with others. 

Chase Wells - for meeting his writing targets. 

Bonni Crudgington – For being an excellent role model.

(Respectful) Amelia Mayell – For always being ready to learn and having good manners. 

Kiara Hudson – for her fantastic enthusiasm towards lessons. 

Alma Andre-Prince – for her fantastic pocket to mouth technique when sprinting in PE. 

(Positive) Theo Bailey – for having a positive attitude towards maths challenges.

Eli Armstrong – For being organised for every lesson. 

Erin Fuller – For working hard to improve the presentation of her work. 

(Kind) Evelyn Salmon – For being kind towards her class mates. 

Lola Greenway – For being incredibly helpful around the classroom.  

Bonni Crudgington – For listening carefully during lessons. 

(Honest) Noah Said - For asking for help if he is unsure




Year 4


Elizabeth Payne – for her amazing Computing work in and out of school.

Will Richardson – for an amazing effort with his free verse poetry.  

(Respectful) Erin Bowen for always speaking to others in a respectful way.

Sonny Nutley - for skill and effort in tennis lessons.

Erin Bowen – for her amazing front cover for our class story book which she did at home.

(Respectful) Will Richardson for demonstrating respect by listening to others when they are speaking.

Willow Sunshine – for making a great effort to improve her writing this half term.  

George Smith – for demonstrating excellent knowledge and skills in recorder lessons.  

(Positive) Isabella Fraser – for always having a positive attitude to learning. 

Willow Sunshine – for excellent recall of facts and key learning in Science lessons.

Ela Milbank – for writing a fantastic, creative story in the style of Roald Dahl.

(Kind) Will Richardson – for always being kind to others.

Jimmy Watts – for demonstrating excellent manners and patience.  

Poppy Morris – for an excellent attitude and perseverance in lessons.

(Honest) Taylor Smith – for being able to be relied upon to tell the truth about any situation. 

Taylor Smith – for demonstrating enthusiasm and control in gymnastics.  

Juno Stokes – for excellent body tension and partner work in gymnastics.

Whole class – for fantastic enthusiasm and motivation during our story telling day. 

Emily Jones – for demonstrate great skill and control in gymnastics. 

(Effective Communicator) Lenny Harris for using talking to solve problems and give advice to others. 

Konrad Jarosz - for his perseverance with challenging maths work .

Denny Atkins – for always being willing to support others with their learning.

(Respectful) Ronnie Shea for always being respectful in his words and actions.

Erin Bown – for superb knowledge of Spanish phonemes.

Lenny Harris – for good recall of facts in History.

(Positive) Poppy Morris – for always having a positive attitude towards her work and any challenges she may face.

Jude Magner – for fantastic contributions in lessons.  

Elizabeth Payne – for using excellent vocabulary in her re-telling of a myth .

(Kind) Naisha Patel – for always being kind and considerate to her peers.

Jude Magner – for excellent effort and leadership in dance lessons.

Naisha Patel – for always completing her work to the highest standard she can. 

(Creative) Willow Sunshine for skill and creativity in dance. 

Avleen Batth – for using her knowledge to support our RE learning about Sikhism. 

Edward Cole – for a well written and creative ‘buddy’ story.

(Effective Communicator) Scarlett Hyde -  participating in whole class learning and discussions.

Will Richardson – excellent effort in story writing. 

Ronnie Shea – for always being willing to help. 

(Denny Atkins) Respectful – showing respect for school property and other people’s belongings. 

Layla O’brien for her honesty in difficult situations. 

Willow Worboyes for a powerful remembrance poem.

(Positive) Poppy Morris for always trying to have positive attitude 

Elizabeth Payne for writing an outstanding newspaper report. 

Erin Bowen for fantastic effort and contributions across many subjects.

(Kind) Konrad Jarosz for always speaking to people in a kind and respectful way. 

Peter Daft – for excellent participation and pronouncing in Spanish lessons .

Elizabeth Payne – for using her excellent vocabulary in her writing.  

(Honest) Avleen Batth – for always being honest about when she needs help in lessons.

Layla O’Brien – for working hard to create a muffin recipe card.

Naisha Patel – for always striving to do her best in all subjects.

(Healthy) Alex Spicer – for always trying his best in PE lessons.

Alex Spicer for using  the whole writing toolkit in his rain poem. 

Jessie Greenway for an excellent use of language in her rain poem.  

(Effective communicator) – Jude Magner for contributions to our challenging RE discussions.

George Smith – for reading aloud to the class with fantastic expression. 

Isabella Fraser - for completing all maths challenges for the first time. 

(Respectful) Joey Healy – for always listening to the ideas of other children carefully and respectfully.

Freddie Christopher – for excellent participation in all lessons.

Elliot Dickel – for always being ready to learn.

(Positive) Juno Stokes – for having a positive attitude towards challenges.

Daisy Brown for fantastic focus and effort in the first week of school. 

Lenny Harris for taking on the new challenges a new year group brings. 

(Kind) Denny Atkins for thinking of others and helping them look after their belongings. 




Year 5


Mollie Curtis for excellent research for creating her own webpage within English.

Arthur Hewitt for consistently participating within class discussions.

(Creative) Phoebe Watt for a creative an informative web page.

Amy Parfitt - for good participation in lessons.

Luella Woodroof – for working hard to improve her reading. 

Effective Communicator) Paula Sestakauskaite for articulating her thoughts and ideas clearly.

Lottie Anderson – for having a positive attitude to school. 

Amy Parfitt – for demonstrating a good attitude during assessments. 

(Respectful) Emily Beaney – for always being polite and helpful. 

Fern Gibson - for writing a detailed and enthusiastic blog post.

William Marshall - for always being on task and meeting classroom expectations.

(Positive) Amelia- May Watson - for her consistent positive attitude in the class and with all peers.

Jorgie Fraser - for always showing motivation and determination to complete outstanding work. 

Leo Crudgington - for being motivated with his maths.

(Kind) Heidi Maskell - for taking the time to hand make her friend a beautiful crotchet plushie. 

Sanaya Ahmed – for demonstrating enthusiasm and sharing her knowledge within RE. 

Leo Crudgington – for his excellent effort to improving his vocabulary choices.  

(Creative) Amelia-May for fantastic creative writing in English. 

Leo Crudgington – for completing additional maths practice at home and improving the presentation of his work. 

Hosanna Osarinmwian – for his effort and improved presentation within maths. 

(Effective Communicator) Joey Probert – for helping to explain situations, succinctly and clearly.

Leni Crookbain – trying hard with her handwriting especially in English lessons.  

Aimee Skipp – for always being polite and helpful.

(Respectful) Pheonix Daft for always having a respectful attitude and good manners.

Jamie Langham for excellent explanations of difficult concepts in RE. 

Amelia-May Watson for great control within gymnastics.  

(Positive) Luella Woodroof for a positive attitude to learning and excellent participation within discussions.  

Jorgie – Rose Fraser for always being so helpful. 

Paula Sestakauskaite for always explaining her ideas in detail.

(Healthy) Joey Probert for understanding the importance of exercise.

Emily Beany - for being a kind and caring member of the class. 

Leni Crookbain for great effort in PE lessons.

Arthur Hewitt – brilliant explanation presentation during English.  

Sanaya Ahmed – Fantastic understanding and explanations in Maths.  

(Effective communicator) William Marshall for supporting others during computing lessons.  

Amy Parfitt – For her fantastic contributions in Maths.

Sophia Walsh - for being a kind and considerate member of class.

(Respectful) Heidi Maskell for understanding and showing what it means to be respectful.

Casper Donn for thinking out of the box when answering questions.

Mollie Curtis for making a real effort in English.

(Positive) Phoebe Watt for having a positive attitude towards her learning.

Jamie Langham for showing confidence towards his learning. 

Phoenix Daft- For being an excellent role model in school. 

(Positive) Luella Woodroof- For being positive about her learning. 

(Honest) Hossana Osarinmwian – asking for support in Maths when he is unsure.  

Joey Probert – consistently hardworking in all areas of learning. 

Amie Skipp – consistently making the right choices in all lessons. 

Sanaya Ahmed for great focusing and concentrating in all lessons.

Amy Parfitt - For showing great listening and contributing her great ideas in lessons.

(Healthy) Arthur Hewitt for explaining the importance of exercise in PE.

Louie Jiggins for explaining his answers thoroughly in Maths .

Fern Gibson for participating with her great ideas in lessons. 

(Effective Communicator) Paula Sestakauskait for explaining Maths problems to her peers.  

Amelia-May Watson – Fantastic effort in all lessons. 

Grace Saich – Being consistently polite and ready to learn.  

(Respectful) Lottie Anderson  for regularly volunteering to help in the classroom. 

Tommy Ashdown for explaining his answers thoroughly in Maths.

George Harwood for making great philosophical contributions in RE.

(Positive) Milena Furculita for showing a positive attitude in PE.




Year 6


Johnny Georgiou-Gray – for excellent progress in Maths.

Caoimhe Odewale – for brilliant progress in Maths.

(Creative) Vincent Evans – for sharing creative ideas when making hot cross buns.

Ryan Oakden- for good participation in hockey.

Jacob Spicer – Excellent learning in all areas of the curriculum.

(Effective Communicator) – Amelia Cohen – for asking for help with her learning.

Vasilena Borisova- For 100% effort in all areas of learning.

Harry Caisey- for improved attitude to learning.

(Respectful) Freya Turner – for always being polite and kind to others.

Tom Richardson – for helping his partner throughout the school day.

Benjamin Brown- for a brilliant attitude to learning across the curriculum.

(Positive) Isla Dabulskyte- for taking great pride in her learning.

Ryan Oakden – For putting in great effort this week in Maths.

George Jones – For supporting others in class with great empathy.

(Honest) Leo McGrath – for accepting when he needs help with his learning.

Oliver Stanley – For always being fully focused and engaged in his learning.

Bo Aldred – for putting 100% effort into every lesson.

(Healthy) Johnny Georgiou-Gray – for great enthusiasm during our PE lessons.

Albie Whitt – For being a kind and caring person to younger children.

Jasmine Rothery – for a brilliant commentary about her poem.

(Creative) Sammy Armstrong for his drawing of a river of his life.

Vasilena Borisova – for excellent understanding with her algebra this week.

Freya Turner – For fantastic effort in all areas of the curriculum this week.

Effective Communicator) - Amelie Bliss- for being supportive of her friends in PE.

Albie Whitt – For brilliant effort during writing lessons.

Freya Turner – for a fantastic piece of writing.

(Respectful) Sammy Armstrong for always treating people with respect.

Jasmine Rothery – For an excellent comic strip in RE.

Ryan Oakden – for fantastic effort this week.

(Honest) Joey Blackburn – For recognising when he needs help.

Amelia Cohen – For great progress in reading.

George Jones – For improved focus.

(Healthy) Maggie Swanson – Excellent effort in PE.

Courtney Court – For a brilliant persuasive letter.

Isla Dabulskyte – for working extremely hard in every subject.

(Creative) Oliver Stanley – for an excellent ‘Zine’ in art.

Amelie Bliss – for great progress in Maths since September.

Tom Richardson – for great effort across all subjects this week.

(Effective communicator) Maggie Swanson – for helping others.

Thomas O’Flanagan – for much improved focus this week.

Albie Whitt – for great improvement in TTRS.

(Respectful) Blossom Wells -  for always being polite

Jacob Spicer – for giving support to others in Maths.

Vincent Evans – For having a mature attitude in Dance.

(Positive) Benjamin Brown – For having a positive approach to learning.

(Kind) Vincent Evans – For helping his partner.

Preston Riggs – for brilliant collaborative work in Maths.

Joey Blackburn – for brilliant collaborative work in Maths.

Oliver Stanley – for helping other children in ICT.

Annabelle Stafford – for excellent perseverance in Maths this week.

(Healthy) Joey Blackburn – for great effort and teamwork in PE.

Benjamin Brown – For showing great enthusiasm in all lessons.

Samuel Armstrong – For being the perfect role model; he is always doing the right thing.

(Creative) George Jones - For creating an excellent atmospheric landscape in art.

Erin Scott – For being a role model. Erin always puts 100% effort into every lesson.

Amelia Cohen – For having an excellent attitude towards learning. Amelia always works incredibly hard.

(Effective Communicator) Isla Dabulskyte – For participating more in class.

Devon Grant for excellent presentation and focus.

Caoimhe Odewale for beautiful presentation and a fantastic biography about Venus Williams.

(Respectful) Leo McGrath for regularly volunteering to help.




