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Noak Bridge Primary SchoolExcellence, Growth, Achievement.

Welcome toNoak Bridge Primary SchoolExcellence, Growth, Achievement.

Noak Bridge News

Show Racism the Red Card!


On Friday 18th October we joined schools across the country to 'show racism the red card' and we wore red to support this important message. Within classes children discussed what racism is and that 'we are all different' and that this message aligns with our school values of respect and kindness.

Girls Football Tournament


On Wednesday 9th October 2024.

Awaiting pupil report.

World Mental Health Day


On Thursday 10th October 2024, the whole school took part in 'Wear Yellow' for World Mental Health Day.

As a surprise for the children, we signed up to a virtual assembly with a Premier League footballer who would talk about how strengths such as adaptability, humility and resilience play a pivotal role in maintaining our mental health.

The children were so excited when Reece James, from Chelsea FC, spoke to us (and other schools across the country) about the importance of mental health and how he copes with the pressures of his job.

We had a great day.

CRESCO Coding Challenge


On Monday 7th October 2024, 4 pupils from Year 5, went to Lincewood Primary to explore using 'Microbits' and coding programmes.

The children had a great time learning to code - Jessie was chosen as the 'Curious Coder' and Elizabeth was chosen as the 'Master Coder'. 

Well done!

Women's Cricket World Cup


On Monday 30th September, children in KS2 took part in cricket workshops to celebrate the start of the women's Cricket World Cup which begins on October 3rd. The day started with an informative assembly which explained who was competing and the children learnt some interesting facts about the nations involved. Each class then had an hour-long workshop with two cricket coaches, focussing on the key skills involved with cricket. This was the first taste of cricket for many of our children and they had a great day learning about the sport. Hopefully, the day's activities will encourage the children to follow the World Cup throughout October and think about taking up cricket themselves.

Year 5/6 Football Tournament


Awaiting pupil report

BBC Writing Competition


We are launching a competition within school and would love as many entries as possible.  All the children need to do, is write a story they would love to read.  Grammar, punctuation and spelling are not judged, only their creativity. 

Mrs Thatcher will be running various workshops during school time to support any children that need any help. Mrs Thatcher has also arranged  for an author to run a workshop to support the children too. 



There are two age categories: 5-7 and 8-11 year-olds.


50 finalists will be invited to go to a glamorous grand final at Buckingham Palace in February next year, where the bronze, silver and gold winners in each category will have their stories read out by celebrities.


There are also lots of prizes to be won - each winner will take home a bundle of books and the gold winners also win 500 books for their school library.


For further information, click on the website link below.


This year as part of 'Harvest Festival' we would like to support a local food bank 'Helping Hands'. 

We would be very grateful of any donations of the following items:


Tinned baked beans

Cuppa soup 

Tinned soup

Tinned fruit

Tinned custard

Tinned meat such as corned beef, ham

Tinned peas

Tinned carrots

Long life mashed potato

Tea bags


Jars of jam


Long life milk


Tinned meals 

Shower gel


Shampoo and conditioner


All products should have a 'long shelf life' so that they can be stored.

The final date for donations will be Friday 18th October 2024.

Thank you in advance. 

Autumn is here!

The Noak Bridge Yarn Bombers have been busy creating this wonderful 'Harvest Festival' post box topper.

Over the Summer, join 'Rocky the snake' by painting / decorating a rock and adding it to his body.

Rocky is at the front of our school by the trees.

Year 6 Leavers 2024


Friday 19th July 2024, marked the last day for our Year 6 class. They had a BMX workshop, signed each others' shirts, played games, met with their buddies for the last time and had a special 'Leavers Assembly'.

It was an emotional day and we wish all of our Year 6 leavers the very best of luck in their new schools and in their future.


To see photographs from the BMX workshop, click on the link below:

Many Year 6 pupils completed the 'Playground Pals' course within PE, during break and during their lunchtimes - Well done!



17, Year 6 pupils took part in a 4 day 'bikeability' course where they learnt skills for cycling on single-lane roads with simple junctions, moderate traffic and includes the core functions for safe and responsible cycling.

Sports Day Winners!

Year 5 & 6 District Sports


On Friday 12th July, our Year 5 & 6 District Sports team went to Basildon Sporting Village to compete against other local schools.

The children took part in sprint races, long distance races, long jump, throwing events including shot putt and relay races. 

We would like to say, 'well done' to all of the children who attended the Districts Sports - the children gave it 'their all', they implemented what we had practised, and showed good sportsmanship.

The whole team performed brilliantly - results below:



Grace, Year 5 = 7th overall in the 80m sprint.

Leo, Year 5 = 3rd overall in the 80m sprint (bronze medal)

Mollie, Year 5 = 1st in the 800m race (gold medal)

Amie S, Year 5 = 8th overall in long jump.

Phoebe, Year 5 = 4th overall in rounders ball throw.

Sophia, Year 5 = 8th overall in rounders ball throw.

George, Year 5 = 4th overall in vortex throw.

Amelia, Year 6 = 8th overall in rounders ball throw.

The Year 5 girls relay team (Sophia, Phoebe, Connie, Grace) = 1st overall (gold medals)

The Year 5 boys relay team (Tommy, Arthur, Jamie, Leo) = 1st overall (gold medals)

The Year 6 boys relay team (Tom R, Johnny, Harry, Vincent) = 1st overall (gold medals)

The Year 5 girls’ team = 1st overall out of 24 schools!!

The Year 5 boys’ team = 3rd overall out of 24 schools!!

The Year 6 girls’ team = joint 15th overall out of 21 schools!!

The Year 6 boys’ team = 5th overall out of 21 schools!!

Perseus and Medusa Performance


On Wednesday 17th July 2024, Year 5, performed 'Perseus and Medusa' in front of the school.

They have been working really hard within English and learning about playscripts.

It was a brilliant performance and they made all their own props and costumes. 

Well done Year 5 - this is good practice for your Year 6 production next year!

Leni, Year 5, has been taking part in several football competitions recently. Her team reached two 'finals' (they finished runners up) and one semi semi-final. Well done Leni!

Learning about the Emergency Services in Year 1


On Thursday 4th July two parents visited Year 1 to tell us about their jobs and 'what the Police do'. They talked about how they help to keep us safe in the community and the number we should call if we need help from the Police or other emergency services. We looked at the equipment they use and we had lots of fun trying on the uniform!

The visit was planned to enhance our PSHE curriculum.


Hot Chocolate with the Head Teacher


On Thursday 4th July, selected children from across the school had hot chocolate and cake with the Head Teacher, they shared their writing and the work they are proud of.

Children are chosen for their effort, progress or attainment in writing.

Well done: Isla, Phoebe, Emily, Luella, Caoimhe, Amelia, George, Charlie, Darcey and Emily.

Year 3 & 4 District Sports


On Tuesday 2nd July we took a team of 33, Year 3 and Year 4 children to the District Sports at Basildon Sporting Village. The children took part in sprint races, long distance races, long jump, throwing events and relay races. 



We would like to give a special mention to: Alma and Erin, Year 3, and Layla, Year 4, who made it to the semi-finals of the 60m sprint.

Cleo, Year 3 finished fifth overall in the 600m race.

Teddy, Year 3 finished fourth overall in the standing long jump.

Poppy, Year 4 finished eighth overall in 600m.

Edward Year 4 finished fifth overall in the sprint.

Denny, Year 4 came second overall in the chest push!

The Year 3 girls relay team finished sixth overall.

The Year 4 boys relay team finished eighth overall.

The Year 3 girls team finished eighth overall out of 23 schools.

The Year 3 boys team finished fifteenth overall out of 23 schools.

The Year 4 girls team finished fifteenth overall out of 23 schools.

The Year 4 boys team finished eighth overall out of 23 schools.


We would like to say, 'well done' to all of the children who attended the Districts Sports - the children gave it 'their all', they implemented what we had practised, and showed good sportsmanship.

They were fantastic ambassadors for Noak Bridge, and staff from other schools commented on our children's behaviour throughout the day.

Schools Team Ministry Assembly


On Monday 1st July, Charlotte from the Schools Team Ministry led her final assembly of the year, sharing Christian stories in an interactive and engaging way. 

Irish Dancing


Jorgie in Year 5's, hobby is Irish Dancing and she takes part in many competitions. On this occasion she came 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th - Well done Jorgie!

MAT Philosophy Event at Noak Bridge


On Wednesday 19th June Mrs Sparrow led a MAT Philosophy event at our school for Year 3 children. Our themes were right and wrong, self control and temptation. Our discussions were begun by reading the book Oh No, George! By Chris Haughton. The children had a great afternoon.

British Cycling Competition


Harry, Year 6, competed at a British Cycling event on the 8th and 9th June and placed 4th which was a fantastic result.

Well done Harry!


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Essex Fire and Police workshops, with Year 6


To enhance our PSHE curriculum we have organised for 'Essex Fire and Police' to deliver an education programme to our Year 6 class and to teach about knife crime and cyber safety.


The aim of this programme is to deliver important messages about the dangers of knife crime and covered a number of important topics, including: joint enterprise, custodial sentences, and the adolescent brain and decision making. We want children to understand the consequences of carrying/using a knife, understand the implications of joint enterprises and to investigate ways of addressing peer pressure.


The aims for cyber safety session were to focus on the hidden dangers of social media, online gaming, online predators, cyberbullying, and identity theft. We want children to understand the risks of being online, understand what cyberbullying is, the impact and consequences of online bullying, understand what an online scam is, how to keep information safe and to understand how to stay safe online when using social media, games, and websites.

Dancing at Wembley


On Saturday, Hazel performed a dance routine on the pitch of Wembley Stadium during half-time of the Rugby League Challenge Cup final with her dance group!

Girls Can Build Programme


For the next few weeks, girls in Key Stage 2 will be accessing the 'Girls Can Build' programme, one year group a week.

Year 3 = Friday 14th June

Year 4 = Friday 21st June

Year 6 = Wednesday 26th June

Year 5 = Friday 28th June


'Girls Can Build' is an exciting new initiative inspired by the women at OCL, that gives KS2 girls a chance to learn about the world of construction, understand the different roles in the industry and genuinely feel excited about a career in construction in the future.


To see photographs click on the link below.

Sports Day 2024


On Thursday 13th and Friday 14th June 2024, the whole school took part in our annual Sports Days which consist of both field and track events. 


The children were very excited and put 100% effort into their events and races. It was lovely to see Reception enjoy their first Sports Day at Noak Bridge and to see all of the children cheering on their friends, team mates and encouraging each other - we even saw children helping peers over the line!


To see photographs from sports day, please click on the link below.



Art and Craft Display in Billericay Library


Last week, Mrs Richardson, displayed the art work created by children from Noak Bridge Primary School who attend the 'Arts and Craft Club' in Billericay Library. We are sure you agree, the display looks fantastic - excellent collages!

Year 2 Trip to the Sea Life Centre and the Beach


On Monday 3rd June, Year 2 visited the Sea Life Centre in Southend to consolidate their learning within Science and Geography.

The children learned lots about the sea life around our coasts and looked at features of a coastline.

Everyone had a great time!

Thank you to the parents and Governors who gave up their time to support the trip.


To see all of the photos, please click on the link below.

MAT Animal Workshop


On Friday 24th May, some children in Year 6 were selected to attend an 'animal workshop' at Janet Duke Primary School where they held a whole range of animals. The children had a lovely afternoon.

We would like to say a huge 'thank you' to Mrs Scates for taking the children.

Hot Chocolate with the Head Teacher


Children from across the school were nominated by their teachers to have hot chocolate with Mrs Patient as a reward for their effort, progress or attainment in writing. So on Thursday 24th May the selected children got to enjoy hot chocolate, cakes and sharing their writing with the group.

Other children will get the opportunity next half term.

Year 5 and Year 6 Trip to Nuclear Races


On Tuesday 21st May 2024, Year 5 and Year 6 travelled to 'Nuclear Races' for a fun filled day.

The children experienced many adventurous activities, climbed obstacles, swam through mud and went on a 'death slide' to name a few. They were covered in mud by the end but all had smiles on their faces! They took part in team building activities and demonstrated our school values by being effective communicators, healthy, kind, respectful and positive.


To see all photos, click on the link below:

Basildon Junior Music Festival 


On Tuesday 22nd May, the choir spent a day rehearsing and then performed at the 'Basildon Town Gate Theatre' in the evening as part of the 'Junior Music Festival'.


It was a wonderful evening (apart from the fire alarm prior to the performance!) and the children sang their hearts out. Mrs Scates and Mrs Milbank said the children behaved impeccably at all times and were excellent ambassadors for the school. We would like to mention that Juno, Year 4, sang a solo part at the start of the concert - she sang beautifully and was so brave, and confident!

We are so proud of our choir.


We would like to say a huge 'Thank You' to Mrs Milbank for leading choir practice every week and for helping the children to be ready for the performance.

We would also like to thank Mrs Scates who gave up her time to support the choir during the evening performance.


'Thank You' to the families and friends who also attended the concert to support the school choir. 






Lee Chapel Netball Rally 


On Saturday 18th May 2024, our school netball team took part in the annual netball rally.

The team played 6 matches over the afternoon supported by their families, friends and staff.

The team played brilliantly - there was some excellent marking, shooting, defending and passing, they also had the most the enthusiastic 'congratulations cheer' at the end of the match.

The team exemplified our school values by being respectful, kind, effective communicators, healthy and positive!


Thank you to the families, friends and staff for your support, it was an enjoyable afternoon.

Year 6 SATs, Breakfast Club


The week beginning 13th May, marks the start of Year 6 SATs week.

The Parents and Friends Association (PFA) kindly organised a continental breakfast for all of the children in Year 6, to set them up for the day!


Thank you for your kind gesture, the children thoroughly enjoyed eating breakfast together.


Schools Team Ministry Assembly


On Monday 13th May 2024, Charlotte, from the 'Schools Team Ministry' came to Noak Bridge to lead one of her fun and engaging assemblies for the whole school.

Christmas Card Recycling


Thank you to everyone who brought their Christmas cards into school to be recycled - we collected a huge 11kg of cards!

We have received a 'Recycling Award' certificate of achievement to acknowledge our success.


Let's hope we can do this again next year and recycle even more.

Eggstraordinary Easter!


Mia, Year 3, overcame her fear of heights to climb to the top of the O2 in London to meet the Easter bunny. Once at the top she decorated chocolate eggs and was given a medal for her achievement. She said she had the best time and really enjoyed the views from the top pointing out the landmarks she recognises. The whole experience was about 2 hours including doing the climb up and down and enjoying all the Easter activities in between.


Year 3 and Year 4 Trip to Layer Marney


On Thursday 28th March 2024, Year 3 and Year 4 went on a school trip to Layer Marney, in Colchester.

The children had a fun filled day taking part in Egyptian Workshops (Year 3) and Year 4 enjoyed Roman Workshops to further enhance their History learning this term.


To see all the photographs, click on the link below:


Year 6 DT - Hot Cross Buns


Year 6 came to the end of their 'Culture and Seasonality' unit within Design Technology (DT), they made and cooked their own hot cross buns.

The buns looked great! Well done Year 6.


Epilepsy Awareness


On Tuesday 26th March we wore purple within school to raise awareness of Epilepsy.

We were so fortunate that the Judd family joined us in leading a whole school assembly to talk about Epilepsy within their family and how this affects their daily life.

We really appreciate you sharing personal stories, we know this takes a lot of courage.


If you are interested, please look at the websites below:


Year 1 writing instructions to make a sandwich


On Wednesday 20th March Year 1 made a ham or cheese sandwich by following the instructions they had written within their English lessons - they had a great time!

World Book Day - Design a Book Token Competition


As part of World Book Day, we asked all children to design a book token so that we could enter the National competition.

We have sent off our entries and fingers crossed we have a winner in the school!

Please see below for a selection of the wonderful designs.

Year 6 DT - Food, celebrating cultures and seasonality

As part our DT unit this Spring we have been looking at how food is an important part of culture and  religion, as well as the seasonality of food.

We will be creating our own 'hot cross bun' design based on the results of our homework questionnaire, we asked our families our research questions and the results of our tasting evaluation.

We had a lovely afternoon tasting a wide variety of hot cross buns from the traditional recipe to a 'cheesy' version, which was surprisingly delicious.

National Girl's Football Day

International Women's Day

8th March 2024


Noak Bridge Primary School are today celebrating National Girl’s Football Day. #LetGirlsPlay is the country’s biggest ever football session and we are delighted that we can support this important initiative. This day recognises the importance of girls playing football and to raise awareness about the barriers that are still present, which can stop girls from playing the sport. Through supporting this, we hope we can play our part in achieving equal opportunities in football.

Throughout the day, every girl in the school will have the opportunity to play football with their class. In addition to this, at lunch time, we will hold an ‘only girls’ football session.

Because of the opportunity to play today, I am hoping that some girls will want to start playing football. Below is a link that you can use to find local football sessions if your child is interested.

World Book Day 2024!

Read Your Way


On Thursday 7th March 2024 the whole school celebrated World Book Day.

Everyone made a fantastic effort with their costumes, particularly the 'home made' costumes! Thank you to the teachers for joining in too.

We had an enjoyable day which involved entering the 'Design a book token' competition, joined a national online 'Footy Quiz', joined an live session with an author, took part in a book swap or the children were gifted a book and shared reading with other classes - some Year 6's also read with the children in pre-school.

There is also a rumour that a dinosaur invaded the astro pitch!

It was a wonderful day.


To see all of the photographs in the online gallery, click on the link below.

Year 5 and 6 Netball Match


On Monday 26th February 2024 our netball team had a tough competition against Kingswood school.

The year 5 and 6 team played amazingly and won the match!

The score was very close the whole way through, however in the last quarter we scored a great goal that led us to the final score.

By Annabelle and Maggie

Learning about Buddhism


On Thursday 15th February 2024, Year 5, were visited by a parent who practices Buddhism and she talked to the class to share her practice and beliefs.

The staff and children found it very informative and we learned a lot - we even did a whole class chant! The children were very respectful and asked interesting questions.

MAT French Day 


On Monday 12th February 2024, 6 children from Year 3 and 4, went to Janet Duke Primary School for our MAT (Multi Academy Trust) French Day. The children had croissants for breakfast, learnt facts and information about France, and made an apple 'tarte tatin'. They had a great day!

Noak Bridge is a TPP School!


In the Autumn term 2023 we completed training all staff in the 9 'advanced' elements of 'Trauma Perceptive Practice' (TPP).

This has been a lengthy process which has taken around 2 years to disseminate the detailed information to staff through staff meetings, training sessions and INSET days.


We would like to thank all our staff for their dedication to understanding and improving the lives of the children who attend Noak Bridge.



World Book Day - Thursday 7th March 2024


Once again this year we will be celebrating 'World Book Day' by dressing up, swapping books and many other fun activities.


A letter and the book tokens have already been sent home.

Friday 9th February 2024 - Celebration Assembly

Mental Health Week - Millie in Year 2 wrote an acrostic poem about 'her voice' - It's fantastic Millie!

Live Author Literacy Session


On Thursday 1st February 2024, across the school, we joined authors Swapna Haddow (Key Stage 1) and Steve Camden (Key Stage 2) to learn all about world-building, an essential component of story creation and storytelling that will help pupils develop their understanding of place, character and narrative. In this interactive event, pupils had the opportunity to create a brand-new, fictional world live with Steven. Together with pupils from across the UK, we had the chance to imagine a magical street where a collaborative story begins and will challenge pupils to ask who could be behind each front door.


Supporting The Little Princess Trust


Naisha, Year 4, didn’t realise that her own hair could help make a wig for a poorly child, who had lost their own hair due to cancer or other medical conditions. 

So she decided to chop a whopping 13 inches off her beautiful hair! She is awfully proud of herself for being able to help.

Everyone at Noak Bridge is also incredibly proud of your kindness and generosity - well done! 


The Little Princess Trust provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or to other conditions such as Alopecia.

The charity is also one of the largest funders of childhood cancer research in the UK.

The Little Princess Trust relies solely on the generosity of its wonderful supporters who help the charity give hair and hope to so many children and young people with cancer each year.

Benjamin, Year 6, has been playing for Perry Street FC as goalkeeper and has been playing incredibly well and received 'man of the match' for several matches consecutively - well done!

NSPCC - Speak Out, Stay Safe


In December 2023 class teachers led assemblies across the school produced by the NSPCC to talk to children about the different types of abuse, that abuse is never a child’s fault (KS2), how children can be hurt by others (KS1) and that children have the right to be kept safe and to know who a child can talk to if they need help.

The assemblies also made children aware of the Childline number and how they can access support.


Starting the new year with positive news


A good way to start the new year is with some good news through helping others and we would like to share that we managed to raise £169.95 for Children in Need in November!

Thank you for your support and kind donations.

Happy New Year!

Welcome back!


Please remember to recycle your Christmas Cards by putting them in the wheelie bin by the main office.

Wishing all of our families and the local community a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at Noak Bridge Primary School.

Saying goodbye to Miss Fisher


Wednesday 20th December 2023 was Miss Fisher's last day at Noak Bridge School. Miss Fisher has been part of the team for 9 years and we will miss her quiet, warm and organised manner. We would like to thank her for her support in developing the choir and the English curriculum over the years.

We wish her the very best of luck in her new career.

Christmas Dinner


On Friday 15th of December we had our Christmas dinner day. The children wore Christmas jumpers, hats and hairbands - we listened to Christmas music while the staff served the children at their tables.

There was a great atmosphere and serving the dinner went very smoothly.


We would like to say a huge 'Thank You' to Mrs Stanley and Mrs Hemmings for preparing, organising and cooking a delicious Christmas dinner for nearly 200 people! 

Hosanna and Tommy in Year 5 asked if we could have Christmas dinner every day, had clean plates and gave it a 10 / 10!!


Christmas dinner

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Christmas dinner

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Christmas dinner

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Christmas Card Recycling


After Christmas, please bring all of your old Christmas cards and put them in our 'Christmas card recycling wheelie bin' which will be placed by the main entrance.

This is for Christmas cards ONLY - not general waste or recycling. 


Thank you

'Junior Scurry'


On Sunday 10th December, Hazel, Year 3 took part in the ‘junior scurry’ of the Southend Rudolph run which was a 1k race along the promenade.

Well done Hazel for demonstrating part of our school values - 'healthy'. 

Christmas Fair


On Saturday 2nd December 2023, the PFA organised a fantastic Christmas Fair.

Thank you to all of the families and members of the local community who came to play games, purchase hand made crafts, eat and drink Christmas goodies. It was a great day and very busy!


We would like to say a HUGE 'THANK YOU' to the PFA team  (who are small but mighty) for the many, many hours they spent organising, preparing and setting up for the fair - we really appreciate your dedication and support for the school.

Lunchtime Fun


Throughout the Autumn term we have had a sports coach support 'play' and 'games' every Wednesday lunchtime.

The coach has also been training Year 6 to continue the use of playground equipment and games during lunchtime which will start in the Spring term.

The children have enjoyed the range of games.

Online Author Workshop


On Friday 1st December 2023, Year 1 and Year 2 took part in a virtual author visit from Nick Sherratt and Pippa Goodhart. They listened as they read their book 'You Choose Christmas'. We helped the author's choose which Christmas jumper they would wear, and which job they would do at Santa's workshop. We also got to join Nick for some live draw-alongs!


Lola and Kiara made a bouquet of the beautiful Autumn leaves.

29th November 2023 MAT Key Stage 1 Art workshop at Noak Bridge - led by Mrs Mackenzie.

A festive message from Chase.

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Noak Bridge Christmas Tree


We would like to say a huge 'Thank You' to the Probert family (Dunton Christmas Trees) who again have donated our stunning Christmas tree for the main entrance.

As per tradition, Year 6 children decorated the tree while listening to some festive music!

Year 1 wrote stories for the Reception children based on an animal that had lost its smile and they had the opportunity to read them together.

Supporting Charities


Ndudim, in Year 3, has raised money for 2 charities.

He raised £350 for Great Ormond Street Hospital and an amazing £1400 for 'Midwives at Maternity Azur (MAMA)' which will pay for a midwife's salary in Uganda for a whole year!

This is a fantastic demonstration of our pupils exemplifying our school values and being good citizens within society.

Well done Ndudim!

Kindness supporting charities

Schools Team Ministry Assembly


On Monday 27th November 2023, Charlotte, came from the Schools Team Ministry to lead one of her fun and interactive assemblies bringing Christian message and this week she reminded us of the Christmas story.


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Netball match against Great Berry Primary School

MAT Science workshop at Great Berry Primary School

Year 1 Local Area Fieldwork


On Friday 17th November 2023, Year 1 went on their local area fieldwork walk for Geography. The children were looking at the local area to see what facilities and amenities are near to the school for example the village hall, the medical centre, the pond, the shop, the post office, the park etc. They were using a map with a 'key' to identify these and their route from school around the village and back to school. The children were very excited and had a great time.

A special 'thank you' to Mrs Jones who came to support the class for the trip.



MAT Tag Rugby Tournament


On Friday 17th November 2023, some Year 6 pupils attended a tag rugby tournament at Janet Duke Primary School. 

There were 4 schools that took part: Noak Bridge, Great Berry, Janet Duke and Lincewood, all the schools within our MAT.

We played 4 games and played some good rugby - our passing was particularly good. Mr West said we scored one of the best tries of the day. Everyone had a great time, tried their best and we enjoyed spending time as a team.


Written by Maggie and Tom. 

Online Safety Workshop


On Tuesday 14th November 2023 Year 5 attended an Online Safety live workshop with the '2 Johns' to learn about keeping safe online, our digital footprint, sending inappropriate images or messages, safely using social media and location privacy.

Wear Blue to support World Diabetes Day - Tuesday 14th November 2023

To see all the photographs from World Diabetes Day, follow the link below:

Farewell after 12 years!


On Friday 10th November 2023 we said a very sad goodbye to Mrs Jones who has worked at Noak Bridge for over 12 years but being part of the Noak Bridge community for longer as her children also attended the school. Mrs Jones has taught and supported many children over the years with her warm, compassionate and creative approach. We wish her well in her new chapter but we will miss her greatly.

Goodbye Mrs Jones

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Remembrance Day


On Friday 10th November we discussed and had activities across the school linked to Remembrance day.

Remembrance Day is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth member states since the end of the First World War to honour armed forces members who have died in the line of duty. 

Friday 10th November 2023 we had ADHD workshops across the school led by Amy from 'Multi Schools Council'.

PFA Halloween Disco


On Friday 3rd November 2023 the Parents and Friends Association (PFA) organised a spooky disco for the whole school.

Everyone had an amazing time and there was some energetic dancing!


We would like to say a HUGE thank you to the small team of parents who organised the event - the children had a great time.


If you would like to join and support the PFA please contact the school office.


To see more videos follow the link below.

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On Friday 3rd November 2023 Year 6 met their Reception buddies. They spent time playing, talking and reading together - everyone had a lovely time.

British Cycling Development Team


Harry, Year 6, spends many hours practising and competing on his BMX and he is now on the British Cycling Development Team!

This is an amazing achievement and everyone at Noak Bridge is incredibly proud.

Well done Harry!

Farewell to Mrs Wardle


On Tuesday 31st October we said, a very sad, goodbye to Mrs Wardle who has worked at the school for over 10 years, in many roles!

The children all gathered in the hall to wish her goodbye and thank her for her support to the children during her time at Noak Bridge.

We wish her every success in her new career.


You will be missed Mrs Wardle!




Noak Bridge Yarn Bombers


Once again the Noak Bridge Yarn Bombers have decorated the village with amazing knitted / crotched poppy art.

They will be on display for 4 weeks to give everyone the time to appreciate the creativity and talent we have in our community and to reflect during Remembrance. 

Bawdsey Manor

Year 6 Residential Trip 18th - 20th October 2023


This week our Year 6 class went to Bawdsey Manor (PGL) for their residential trip and they had a fun filled 3 days at the beautiful venue.

To see all photographs and videos please click on the link below.

Autism Workshops


On Friday 20th October 2023, Kierran Pearce from the Multi Schools Council (website link below) led workshops in classes across the school from Year 1 - Year 6. Kierran taught the children about Autism, that you cannot 'see' Autism, everyone has their different strengths and that we are all different.


These messages support our school values and RPSHE curriculum - we encourage children to be kind, teach that we are all different and we should be respectful towards each other.


Thank you Kierran! The children really enjoyed the workshops and they said that they now know more about Autism than they did before.


Sanaya, Year 4, received a trophy for 'being her best' in Ju Jitsu.

Cooking within English

Year 4


As part of our English lessons, we learnt how to write a recipe. Our teachers showed us a basic muffin recipe and we then researched how we could adapt it and add in extra ingredients to make it our own. Last week, we wrote our recipes and created our own recipes cards which Miss Topham then sent home. They all sounded delicious and some children even brought some muffins in that they had made at home.

William the Conkerer!


Robin, Year 2, made this fantastic conker snake and has named him William the Conkerer. 

The large snake is made of 100 conkers and is 217cm long. The baby snake is called Timmy and he is just 10 conkers, 22 cm long.

Robin collected the conkers from a Horse Chestnut tree in Noak Bridge and from one outside his dentist in Billericay. 

Robin's Grandad drilled the holes in the conkers. Robin threaded each conker onto the string with a large plastic needle.  He gave it a forked tongue and googly eyes. 



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Alma, Year 3, received a medal and certificate for gymnastics - well done!

Beauie, Year 3, received a medal for dance - well done!

Eli, Year 3, player of the week at football - well done!

Tommee, Year 3, achieved level 3 and swimming 10 metres certificates - well done!

Sophie, Year 1, received a badge for raising money for the 'Gold Geese' charity - well done!

Leo, Year 6, achieved the 'progress' award at Bright Boots football club - well done!

Pheonix, Year 5, was 'performer of the week' at Stand Out performing arts club - well done!

Tuesday 10th October 2023


Wear yellow for 'World Mental Health Day' - NO MONEY required.

Isabella, Year 4, received a trophy for great expression when performing - Well done!

Joshua, Year 3, has an array of medals for his skills in football - Well done!

Lola, Year 3, received a medal for her skills in dancing - Well done!

Season Branch


Pupils in Year 2 'painted' this branch with blackberries they squashed to make 'paint'. They decided to add some 'signs of Autumn'.

There also have plans for Christmas! Watch this space!

Ndudim, Year 3, was 'Warrior of the Week' at Ju Jitsu - Well done!


Last summer for his birthday Ndudim, Year 3, wanted to do a 7km walk to raise money for two charities. 

He owes a thank you to the school library as he found the idea in a school book!

This is amazing Ndudim and everyone at Noak Bridge is very proud!

Ndudim raises money for charity

Sponsored Obstacle Course


Sophie, Year 1, organised a sponsored obstacle race to raise money for the 'Gold Geese' Charity who provide practical and emotional support to families of children and young people fighting cancer in south east Essex.

Sophie managed to raise £168! This is amazing and everyone at Noak Bridge is very proud!




Mollie, Year 2, shared her special drawing.

Charlie, Year 2, received a football trophy. Well done!

Amelia-May, Year 5, received a trophy for ju-jitsu. Well done!

Joey, Scarlett, Evelyn and Oliver were our Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) this week! Keep up the great work.

Sanaya, Year 5, was gymnast of the week. Well done!

'The Makery' Debut


Mia, Year 3, took part in the TV show called 'The Makery' for Sky Kids


Hello everybody, I'm Mia and I do modelling. I filmed on the tv show the Makery for sky kids at the Maidstone studio. It's really big there. 

I made some friends called Sohan and Victoria. I filmed for 4 episodes and saw all the tv sets. I ate lots of food that was delicious. 

Now it's time for my clip.

Makery Series 2 Episode 2 salad copy.mp4

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Noak Bridge Hedgehogs


Last Tuesday Fern and Robin helped to rescue a hedgehog within Noak Bridge village.

The hedgehog was out during the day - which is not a good sign as they are nocturnal. He/she looked quite small and he/she was in the road.

The family phoned South Essex Wildlife Hospital in Orsett and they said to please bring the hedgehog to them.

They have about 80 hedgehogs in their care at the animal hospital. They need to weigh 600g by December so they have enough fat to survive their winter hibernation. 

We hope he/she makes a speedy recovery.

Hazel, year 3, took part in a running event. Well done!

Fallon, year 1, was ‘warrior of the week’ at Ju Jitsu. Well done!

George, year 5, shared his signed photo of Wayne Rooney.

Nancy, year 3, achieved her ‘grow your own’ badge at Brownies. Well done!

Amazing Football News


Johnny, Year 6, was scouted at a recent tournament and asked to attend the Ipswich Academy.

He was selected to play in the advanced development team, which is one level under the Academy level!

This is an amazing achievement and everyone at Noak Bridge are very proud - well done Johnny!



Keeping Healthy!


Hazel, in Year 3, ran the 'Thameside 10 for 10' - 1K race at the weekend and came second! 

She is demonstrating one of our school values - keeping healthy.

Well done.

Our litter picking crew is growing!

Well done Emily, Erin, Naisha, Scarlett, Isabella, Jessie, Avleen and Juno.

Demonstrating school values!


It was lovely to welcome all of the children back to school this week and we have had a positive start to the year.

A great example of this came from Scarlett, Willow and Isabella offering to pick up litter during their lunchtime showing that they are kind and respectful, two of our school values!

BMX Competition Success


Harry, Year 6, has been competing in more competitions over the summer and been successful again!

We are proud of your continued dedication and achievements Harry!

Year 6 leavers.mp4

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House Team Winners for 2022 - 2023 are the Blue Team - Congratulations!

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Year 6 2023 Last Day at Noak Bridge! To see all the photos click on the link below.

Year 6 play petanque at Noak Bridge Village Hall 20th July 2023

Noak Bridge Year 4 Champion


Mollie, Year 4, represented Noak Bridge at the District Sports competition and ran the fastest time for Year 4 girls 600m, which made her the Year 4 Champion for 600m.

This is an amazing achievement, we are so proud!

Sports Day Team Winners


Key Stage One Winners: The Blue Team

Lower Key Stage Winners: The Green Team

Upper Key Stage Winners: The Green Team


Overall Sports Day Team Winners: The Green Team


Well done to everyone who took part!

Hazel, Year 1, took part in a dance performance - well done!

MAT Coding Workshop


On Wednesday 12th July 2023, five children in Year 5, were selected to represent Noak Bridge at a MAT Coding Workshop at Lincewood Primary School.

Everyone had a great morning.

3rd July 2023, Charlotte, from the Schools Ministry led an assembly telling a Christian story.

Author visit to EYFS


On Friday 30th June 2023 author, Jane Rhodes read her book (Margot) to the children and then they did some drawing and colouring. Jane said she had a wonderful afternoon with the class, and the children were delightful! 


Sports Day Team Winners


Key Stage One Winners: The Blue Team

Lower Key Stage Winners: The Green Team

Upper Key Stage Winners: The Green Team


Overall Sports Day Team Winners: The Green Team

We even had golden medal biscuits for Sports Day!

George, Year 4, was awarded 'players player' and the 'participation' award at his football club - well done!

Leo, Year 2, took part in a drawing competition - well done!

Mrs Gibson (parent) brought into school an acorn that had germinated and showed clearly, and beautifully, how an acorn grows into an oak tree. This was shared with classes and in our whole school assembly.


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Year 3 & 4 District Sports 


On Friday 7th July, selected pupils from Year 3 and 4 took part in the District Sports at Basildon Sporting Village.

Noak Bridge Sports Day


On Thursday 6th July 2023 we had our annual sports day. Everyone tried there best and (apart from the short rain shower!) an enjoyable day was had by all, we even had golden biscuits for lunch!


We would like to say a special thank you to the Noak Bridge PFA for the ice lollies - a very kind gesture much appreciated by the children and staff.


We would also like to thank Mr Carswell and the Year 6 helpers for organising such a fun day.


To see all photos, please visit our gallery page - link below:


Year 5 Outdoor Learning


Year 5 had their outdoor learning day on Thursday 6th July. We had a range of activities and we had lots of fun!

First, we had to measure the playground using metre sticks and tape measures to find the number of metres in a space. We then had to try to draw the playground to scale using our measurements. We also measured the Astro and we used multiplication and worked as a team to work out the area. 

After break, we wrote a poem about nature and the outdoors. Some of us wrote a free verse poem, a rhyming poem or a nonet which we have done together in class before. We then illustrated them. 

We have been creating Egyptian art in class and recently using watercolours to decorate scarab beetles. Some of us then made a scarab beetle out of natural materials or created framed natural artwork.

After lunch, we collected a range of leaves and drew or traced them. We then coloured them in vibrant colours using oil and chalk pastels. 

For the last part of the day, we collected sticks, explored and made dens. 

We had a lovely day together and really enjoyed our Outdoor Learning day. 


Joey and Amelie, Year 5

Year 6 play Petanque at Noak Bridge Village Hall

National Rounders Competition


Our amazing Year 6 rounders team reached the semi finals of the National rounders competition!

On Wednesday 28th June they travelled to Leicester, leaving school at 6am, and played brilliantly throughout the day.

We are so proud of the team and this phenomenal achievement!

Noak Bridge National Rounders Competition, Leicester


On the 28th of June 2023, 10 children from Year 6: Bethany, Ruby, Eadie, Samantha, Sonny, Michael, Max, Tsepo, Josh and Nathalie participated in the National Rounders Competition.

Parents/carers were allowed to watch this and participate in supporting our team. When we first got there, the children warmed up for the intense matches, which were about to take place, against various schools across England by practising their throws and batting skills. On the first match, we won 7-0 then we drew 4-4 but sadly because one team didn’t show up, we had to play the 2 teams twice. We won 10 ½ -2 but we unfortunately lost to the team we drew 4-4 with. The score ended up being 6-2; however, we still got through to the quarter finals, which we drew 7-7, so we had to play a game of 5 good balls to win and whoever won goes through to the semi-finals. Luckily, we won which was an amazing moment for the school and children.

Since we won the quarter finals, the children played in the semi-finals but we sadly lost 4 ½ -4. However, it was still an amazing achievement and a very proud moment for our school.


From Bethany and Ruby.


Noak Bridge at National Finals!!!


Our Year 6 rounders team have qualified for the National rounders finals and will be travelling to Leicester on Wednesday to compete.

To get to this amazing position they won the Southend district competition and were runners up in Essex (county) Finals.

Let's get behind our team and wish them the best of luck!!

Amy, Year 4, was the parents player of the year runner up. Well done!

Willow and Erin, Year 3, ran the 'Race for Life' and raised over £400 in honour of Willow's Dad. What an amazing achievement!

Mollie, Year 1, received a medal for her singing at 'Poppets'. Well done!

Year 4 Outdoor Learning


On the 23rd of June 2023, the year 4 children had outdoor learning. For maths, they gathered some different sized sticks and made angles. When they finished the long line, they then created some different types of triangles and if they finished that, they would make other shapes and see how many they could make.


For English, the children sat down and thought about their senses. After that, their teacher, Miss Topham, told them to make an acrostic poem about their surroundings. Some of them managed to finish, and when some of them did, they could draw illustrations. And if they finished that, they would make a circle with sticks, leaves, grass and flowers.  


For Art, they created a picture of a leaf of their choice. They used a pencil to draw the outline. After they did, they coloured the leaf in chalk pastels that they drew the colours that they chose could be bright. They could draw 1 – 4 leaves. If they did that, they could get a sheet from Miss Topham that had different types of leaves on. They had to find them in the nature area. Once they had found some, they went to get the leaf marked so then they knew what ones they had already found.


Written by Amie S and Paula

BMX Competition in Cardiff


At the weekend of 17th June Harry, in Year 5, placed 1st place at a BMX competition in Cardiff.

Well done Harry!

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On Monday 19th June, Steven and Georgia from Basildon Library came to talk to us about the NEW Summer Reading Challenge! We hope you all sign up.

Layla, Year 1, ‘Performer of the Week’ at Standout.

Jorgie, Year 4, received a medal and a trophy for an Irish dancing competition. Well done!

Daisy, Year 3, was the player of the week at our football club. Well done!

Year One Outdoor Learning


On Friday 16th June, Year One, had their outdoor learning day where they decorated bird feeders, made twig boats, made leaf sun catchers and had their own scavenger hunt. Everyone had a brilliant day!

Now's The Time For Change


On Monday 12th June 2023 Year 6 took part in a resilience workshop led by 'Now's the Time for Change'.


- improving concentration, focus and low level behaviours

- understanding emotions and their responses

- positive psychology (creating positive mindsets and enhancing positive language)

- basic emotional freedom tapping techniques

- promoting a calm and safe environment with breathing and relaxation techniques

- creating positive visions / outlooks to empower a positive outcome

- building on resilience, self confidence and self esteem (embracing individuality!)

Our Year 5 & 6 Rounders Team were the 'CPRSSP Rounders Tournament' winners - Congratulations!

Noak Bridge play Petanque


Children in Year 6 have started to learn how to play Petanque with the Noak Bridge Petanque team and will visit the Village Hall each week.


Alma, Year 2, came first and second place in a gymnastics competition. Well done!

Shae, Year 1, received a medal for kicking the ball well. Well done!

Fikayo, Year 1, received a medal and the golden boot from his football club. Well done!

Eli, Year 2, received an end of season trophy for participation and creating lots of ‘assists’. Well done!

Taylor, Year 3, was the ‘performer of the week’ at Standout drama club. Well done!

Joshua, Year 2, played well at football camp. Well done!

World Environment Day


Following a class assembly about World Environment Day, Heidi in Year 4, went litter picking around our local area of Noak Bridge.

Well done Heidi!

Children in Year 2 were asked to research and produce an advert for a seaside resort.

The children put in a lot of effort into their homework and some children have been very creative!

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Leo, Year 2, TV advert.

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Harry's Round 2 BMX Competition Success


On Saturday 27th May at Ramp World in Cardiff, Harry in Year 5, took part in round 2 of a Competition.

Harry came fifth place which is a fantastic result! Well done.




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Friday 26th May, Commonwealth Games

Layla, Year 3, came third in a gymnastics competition - well done!

Harriet, Year 1, performer of the week at Standout - well done!

Tuesday 23rd May Music and Maths MAT event

Sponsored Read


The Noak Bridge PFA organised a sponsored read to raise money to buy some new books for the school.

Thank you so much to the PFA for organising, and to the children and families who took part!

Writing for a purpose


In English, Year 4 children have been writing a 'portal story' for the children in Year 2.


On Tuesday 23rd May, the Year 4 children read their stories aloud to the children in Year2 - there were plot twists, cliff hanger endings and some real comedy in some of the stories.


Both classes enjoyed reading and being read to!

Isabella, Year 3, received a trophy for 'acro dance' - well done!

Scarlett and Poppy, Year 3, took part in a football tournament and were runners up in the Presidents Cup - well done!

Alma, Year 2, was chosen as 'performer of the week' at Standout drama club - well done!

Noak Bridge Ninjas! 


At the weekend Hazel, Mia, Eli and Teddy in Year 2 took part in the Rookie Nuclear Race, which was a 1.5km course with approximately 25 obstacles with water and mud. Their team name was Noak Bridge Ninjas!  

Monday 15th May, Noak Bridge Choir performed at the Basildon Music Festival.

Lee Chapel Rally


On Saturday the 13th of May our school (Noak Bridge) played in the Lee Chapel netball rally which went pretty well for us. The people who attended were Max, Sonny, Michael, Eadie, Amalia, Sam and Bethany. At first we won two games and lost one unfortunately but luckily we got in the quarter Finals and won that. We got in the semi-Final and sadly we lost the game which got us gold trophies.


Written by Polly, Year 6

Supporting Noak Bridge


The school were emailed by a parent who attended the Lee Chapel sports rally regarding Teddy, Year 4, who came to support all of his friends, he wasn’t in the slightest upset not to be in the team himself instead he cheered for all of his best friends and supported every player with words of encouragement and praise. He joined in with every team talk and was Mr Carswell's right hand man in coaching the team and making sure the team did as well as they did. 

Well done Teddy - we are proud.

Football match against Great Berry


On Friday 12th May Noak Bridge Primary School went against Great Berry's second girls football team . The score was 3 - 1 to Great Berry. Leni , a year four, scored our goal . It was a very hard match but all of the girls tried their hardest. The girls representing the school were Naisha (yr3) , Phoebe , Leni, Amy s and Grace (year four) Polly , Eadie , Sam , Amalia and Bethany (year six).


Written by Polly, Year 6

End of SATs Treat


We would like to say a huge thank you to the Noak Bridge PFA who organised a box of treats for Year 6 to celebrate the end of the SATs tests.


Well done to all of the Year 6's for working so hard all week - we are really proud of you all!

Year 6 Dodgeball Team


On the 18th of April, some children from Year 6 went to a dodgeball competition at Everyone Active Sporting Village . There were 5 schools: Laindon park, Eversley, Kingswood and Northlands as well as us. When we got there, we split up into two teams of 7 and 6 - 13 people in total. There were 9 matches and both teams played extremely well . Team 2 (Noak Bridge) came 3rd place and 2nd place was Eversley and 1st place was Northlands.


Written by Ruby, Year 6

Year 6 Dodgeball Team

Teddy, Year 2, achieved swimming stage 3 - well done!

Ndudim, Year 2, was player of the week at football - well done!

Jessie went to a meerkat experience at a conservation centre.



'In Year 3, we have been learning about Rainforests: there are four layers in a rainforest, there are no seasons, it rains a lot and we should save the Rainforests for many reasons.

For further details please see my presentation below:'


George, Year 3.

King Charles III Coronation Celebrations 

On Friday 6th May 2023 the children took part in many activities to learn about and celebrate this momentous occasion. Children created pieces of Art, learnt about the Coronation ceremony, learnt about British Values and we even had a special menu! Everyone wore red, white and blue and had a great day! 

For ALL photos, please follow the link below:

Nancy, Year 2, got her first badge at Brownies - well done!

Eli, Year 2, player of the week at football - well done!

Teddy, Year 2, received a medal for basketball - well done!

Freddie, Reception, received a certificate and medal for swimming - well done!

Noak Bridge Yarn Bombers


The Noak Bridge Yarn Bombers have been decorating our local village and it looks amazing!

Please respect the work that has been lovingly created by residents and friends of Noak Bridge and the King Edward Community Centre Knit and Natter Group.

PFA Coronation Disco


Afterschool on Wednesday 3rd May 2023, the Parents and Friends Association (PFA) organised 2 disco's to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. A brilliant time was had by all and helped the Noak Bridge School Community get in the spirit for this momentous occasion.


We would like to say a HUGE thank you to the PFA for organising such a fun event - your efforts are greatly appreciated.


For ALL photos and videos, please follow the link below.

Year 4, Invertebrates hunt in the nature area for Science.

BMX Freestyle Competition


Harry, Year 5, had his first competition for BMX freestyle. Harry placed 7th, see below for a video of one of his runs.

This is a fantastic achievement, well done Harry! 

Harry, Year 5, BMX Freestyle Competition

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West Ham Success!

May 2023


Denny, Year 3,  has been signed by West Ham Football Club and will be part of the performance programme for under 9’s. An amazing achievement, well done Denny! We are very proud of you.

Juno, Year 3, made her own Coronation bunting out of material - great sewing skills!

Rainbow Gold Award 


Hazel, Year 2, achieved her Rainbow Gold Award. In order to achieve this award you have to complete all six theme awards. To complete a 'theme award' you have to complete at least one ‘interest’ badge and one ‘skill builders’ badge. Hazel earned 27 badges in total during her time at Rainbows. She was also the first Rainbow in her unit to achieve the Gold award! Well done.

Poppy, Year 3, received 2 medals for completing a wide range of gymnastics skills - well done!

Layla, Year 3, won several medals and rosettes within a gymnastics competition - well done and good luck for the final!

Isla, Year 1, was 'Warrior of the Week' at JuJitsu for not giving up.

Friday 28th April Year 3 and 4 Kurling

Thursday 27th April MAT Science Event

Leo, Year 5, performed some tunes he has learnt independently, in his own time. Well done!

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Essex FA Female Coaches Network

Naisha, Year 3,  went to the Essex County FA female coaches networking session last week, ahead of the BBC Essex Cup final at Colchester United FC where England Lionesses U17 assistant coach, Lucy Faraday spoke about her journey and opened the floor for questions.  

Naisha was brave and asked a question in front of a large crowd (who gave her a round of applause!).

We are very proud of Naisha for being confident and an effective communicator (school value).

Well done Naisha!

Tuesday 18th April, Year 6 Dodgeball Tournament

Friday 31st March - Break the rules day!

Essex County Cross Country Finals


Josh, Year 6, was really pleased to finish 73rd in a very fast and competitive group of around 110-130 Year 6 boys at the Essex Cross Country finals. Noak Bridge are very proud that you represented our school and did so well. Well done this is an amazing achievement!

Year 5 Outdoor Learning on Wednesday 29th March 2023.

Year One Outdoor Learning


Year One made spring pots from clay and looked at the signs of spring.

Harry Potter Studios!


The Harry Potter Studios tour was the best school trip we ever went on because it was magical and exciting to see! First, we had a short lesson, we saw things like Hagrid's mask and how tall he was (which was 7 foot 6). We also saw his jumper. We started off by seeing the Great Hall and one of our favourite parts of the day was the Weasley's Joke Shop in Diagonally. There we had the joke objects demonstrated and explained to us. We got a digital download for a picture on a broomstick too. We got to see things like their costumes, wands, lots of sets, the tri-wizard cup and other objects. One of our favourite objects to see was pulling the Mandrakes out of the ground in the Greenhouse. When we saw small cauldrons with spoons mixing alone and potions laid out on the table, we were so impressed! The Weasley's home was funny because there was a dish washing itself, clothes getting ironed and knitting in the air. We got to see Umbridge's Ministry of Magic office (which was very pink!) The Forbidden Forest was creepily cool and the Hogwarts Express was good because we saw Ron and Harry's seats that were covered in sweets. There was also Privet Drive and we walked inside it. Everyone got to see Hogwarts Castle which was magnificent as well as Gringotts Bank with all its riches. 

Hogwarts is our home! 

By Bo and Annabelle


To see all of the photographs, please follow the link below.

Call of the Wild!


On Friday 24th March, Year Two, Year One and Reception, went on a trip to 'Call of the Wild'.


To see all the photographs, please follow the link below.

Children who attend the 'Stand Out' drama club performed 'Oliver' to the school on Wednesday 22nd March.

Dodgeball Competition


On the 21st of March 2023, 6 children year 6 pupils, who were from Noak Bridge primary, participated in a dodgeball tournament against 5 primary schools around Essex at Grays College. These schools were called RAB2, RAB3, LDPS1, LDPS2 and St-Anne Line. The children who took part in this sports event were Michael, Josh, Sonny, Tsepo, Eadie and Bethany and the teachers who kindly took us to Grays were Mrs Scates and Mr Carswell. When we first arrived, the children took a look at the rules as well as the time table. After that, the leader of the competition told us a few rules and allowed some students from the collage to demonstrate. We then started the competition. Luckily we came 3rd in our group so we got to go against the team who won 3rd in the other group. Bethany lead us to winning our last match by getting the last opponent out. This led to Noak Bridge Primary School coming 5th overall.


From Bethany. 

Friday 17th March MAT DT event at Noak Bridge

Little Princess Trust Charity


Amie, Year 4, donated her hair to the 'Little Princess Trust' charity, who turn the donated hair into a real - hair wigs for children and young people experiencing the devastating effects of hair loss. 

What an amazing, thoughtful and kind thing to do Amie - everyone at Noak Bridge is incredibly proud of you!


If you would like more information about this charity, click on the link below.

Bo, Year 5, was the winner of our 'Online Safety' competition! Her poster will be the desktop image for our computer suite. Well done!

Reception have been learning about St Patrick’s day

Teddy, Year2, achieved his orange belt in Karate. Well done!

Theo, Year2, was selected as 'Player of the Week' by his football coach. Well done!

Kieron, Year 6, has demonstrated excellent progress within Art when drawing portraits.

Sophia, Year 4, took part in a display for parents at the the South Essex Gymnastics Club. Well done!

Amelie, Year 1, took part in a gymnastics competition. Well done!

Sport Relief

Thursday 9th March 2023

Year 3/ 4 trip to Layer Marney

Wednesday 8th March 2023


To see all the photos, please visit our gallery - link below

Children > Gallery > Events 2022 - 2023 > Layer Marney Trip

Cross Country Competition

Key Stage Two


On Tuesday 7th March 2023, 41 Key Stage 2 students participated in a Cross Country competition that was held at James Hornsby Secondary School. Classes 3 and 4 ran two laps of the field whilst classes 5 and 6 ran two and a half laps. Every pupil did very well especially considering the amount of laps had increased from last years amount. Students from Noak Bridge Primary School that came in the top 10 in their races were Konrad who came 5th  and Edward who came 7th in Year 3 as well as Molly who came 9th in Year 4. In Year 5, Vincent came 10th. Just after that in the Year 6 race, Michael came 4th and Josh came 3rd but they both battled it out in a tough competition for the bronze medal place. A huge congratulations to everyone that took part in Cross Country!


Extract written by Michael and Joshua - Year 6

George, Year 4, was the 'parent's player of the match' for scoring a hattrick. Well done!

Sophia, Year 4, was gymnastics 'star of the week'. Well done!

Leo, Reception, received a trophy for effective tackling in a match. Well done!

Scarlett, Year 3, was awarded a trophy from her dance club for remembering her routine well. Well done!

     World Book Day 

Thursday 2nd March 2023             


For World Book Day the whole school joined in with dressing up as book characters.

There were some amazing costumes and everyone made a real effort.

For all photographs, see our gallery page or click on the link below:

Year 4 have created cinquain poems based on emotions.

Well done!

William, Year 4, score lots of goals at the football camp. Well done!

Sanaya, Year 4, was awarded 'warrior of the week' at Jujitsu for performing well, developing confidence and improved defending skills. 

Year One - Outdoor Learning


Year One checked on the bug hotels they made in their first session, they found a worm and some tiny eggs! We created tree and leaf rubbings as part of their Art unit looking at printing repeating patterns, inspired by Orla Kiely.

Leo, Reception, was chosen as player of the day for his good tackling. Well done!

Piper, Year1, showed resilience throughout the match and good tackling. Well done!

George, Year 4, was coaches player of the week for assisting with many goals. Well done!

Sanaya, Year 4, achieved level 4 at swimming, swimming 20M and level 5 at gymnastics. Well done!

Ruby, Year 6, was star of the week at her theatre school for excellent behaviour, effort and kindness shown to others. Well done!

Year 2 practising their phonics at lunchtime!

Isabella, Year 3, was awarded the 'standout trophy' for knowing her lines. Well done!

Jude, Year 3, was the warrior of the week at Ju-Jitsu. Well done!

Noak Bridge Netball Match


On the 2nd of February, Noak Bridge Primary School hosted a netball match against Fairhouse Primary School. The children who played on the arena in this sports event, were Amalia, Bethany, Sonny, Eadie and Tsepo and the children off pitch recorded the time and score. Our score keeper was Casey and our time keeper was Max. All these children are from Noak Bridge. When the game started, we were determined to win since in our last match we lost unfortunately, so we wanted to have a bit more confidence but we mainly wanted to work together and have fun. This was also Fairhouse’s first match so this must have been nerve racking for them, as it was on our first game. When the whistle blew to say that it was the end of the game, the score ended up being 14-1. Sonny scored 6, Amalia scored 5, Bethany scored 2 and Tsepo scored 1. Overall, it was a brilliant game ,a great experience for both schools and both teams played very well considering it was Fairhouse’s first game. Each team chose a player of the match for the other team and Sonny was awarded this.


From Amalia and Bethany.

Essex Wildlife Trust Assembly


On Wednesday 25th January 2023 the Essex Wildlife Trust visited Noak Bridge to talk about their conservation work, committed to protecting wildlife and inspiring a lifelong love of nature.

Arthur, in Year 1,has been working hard in Maths.

Pupils, in Year 1, found acorns in the playground that have grown roots. They are going to plant them in their outdoor learning session next week to see if they grow!

Luca, in Year 1, has been working incredibly hard on writing his own story.

Teddy, in Year 1, has been working on his story in English (as part of National Storytelling Week) learning about nouns, verbs and adjectives.

MAT Spelling Bee


On Wednesday, our victorious Year 6 ( Nathalie, Rufus and Joshua) won the Year 6 CRESCO annual Spelling Bee competition. They had to do 10 rounds of ten different genres of difficult words to spell ; Great Berry and Janet Duke also participated in this competition. In total, there were 100 words to spell and we were given roughly 5 minutes to complete each round. The Great Berry Year 5 won the Year 5 and overall answers trophy (90 points out of 100)! After 5 rounds, the 6 classes had a break. The Noak Bridge Year 6 had 61 final points however Janet Duke’s Year 6 had 59 points ( 2 less than ours)! 


Written by Nathalie and Rufus

Netball match against Great Berry


On Wednesday the 25th of January 2023 Great Berry hosted a netball match against us (Noak Bridge Primary School). It was a very tough match (we lost 9-4). I think we did pretty well but they played slightly better. The good thing is that we never gave up and they had great sportsmanship as they congratulated us. We played 7 periods which were 6 minutes each. The people in the team were: Eadie, Amalia, Bethany, Max, Sonny and Tsepo. We all switched positions for every six minutes. When we first got there we all warmed up to prepare for the match. I think we played pretty well considering it was our first match.


Written by Sonny

Essex County Fire and Rescue - Education


On the 18th and 19th of January, a safety officer from Essex Police came to our school to teach year 6 about cyber safety and knife crime.

On the 18th we learnt about Cyber safety and he talked about:

. How to be safe online

. What to do if you feel like your in a bad situation online

 After that, he showed us 2 clips clip 1 was of a girl being unsafe online and doing the wrong things. Clip 2 was a young boy being who was cyber bullied and it showed us what it could do to us as human beings. Finally, the Safety officer answered some questions and its was time to leave.


On the 19th of January , the safety officer came back into year 6 and talked about knife crime.


The safety officer taught us ;

. what could happen to you are involved in a knife crime

. What to do if you saw a knife crime taking place


At first he told us how bad knife crimes are and how to be really safe outside.

The safety officer told us what to do if you saw a knife crime happening, he told us to call the police straight away.

And if your friend was involved in a knife crime and you were told not to tell you could be sent to prison for 4 whole years . 


By Ruby

Essex Cup Finals

Tuesday 24th January 2023


On Tuesday 24th January 2023, a combined Year 6 and Year 5 Noak Bridge football team went to Melbourne Park in Chelmsford to play the replay of The Essex Cup Finals, which was postponed due to bad weather in November last year. When we got there, we were informed that one of the teams that was originally in our group had not arrived so we were put into a group with 3 other teams, meaning we would play more matches therefore it would be harder to get through. Because of this, not just would the winners go through in each group but, also, the best 2nd place team (the team out of all three groups in 2nd place with the most points or goal differential) would also do so. Despite this disadvantage, after winning our first 2 matches by 2 goals to nil that were 10 minutes, we drew with the school that was currently top of the table, meaning that after a set of intense fixtures, we guaranteed a place in the semi-finals by 1 goal differential. In the semi-final, we trailed by a goal to nil after the other school scored early on but we kept our heads up and kept fighting to win. Then, we equalized the score with a late goal. The match went to a penalty shootout and we unfortunately lost by 2 penalties to 0 but everyone did very well in it, especially Joey who made some amazing saves. The Noak Bridge team played very well, especially to get to the semi-finals.


Extract written by Michael and Joshua (Year 6)

Noak Bridge Primary School wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year!


Helping Hands Food Bank


On Tuesday 20th December the school council helped to collate all of the items which were kindly donated by the families of Noak Bridge Primary School.

Thank you to everyone who donated and helped a very worthy cause in this time of need.

School choir sings for charity


On Friday 16th December 2022 our school choir sang a medley of Christmas songs in the Eastgate Centre to raise money for St Lukes Hospice.

They sang beautifully and we are very proud of their performance.

Thank you to Miss Fisher and Mrs Scates for organising and attending.

Thank you to all the parents who helped to transport the children.

Monday 12th December - fun in the snow!

Harry, Year 1, was chosen as the player of the day. Well done!

MAT French Day

Thursday 1st December 2022


Some children in Year 3 and Year 4 went to Janet Duke Primary School for a MAT French day. They learnt some French vocabulary, tried some French foods and made the Eiffel Tower out of clay! Everyone had a great day.

To see all of the photos, click on the link below.

BBC Children in Need - update


Thanks to everyone's generosity we managed to raise £220.60 for Children in Need!

Lunchtime Carols!

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Christmas Jumper and Christmas Dinner Day


On Friday 9th December we wore our festive attire and ate our Christmas dinner accompanied by Christmas songs.

We would like to say a huge 'Thank You' to the catering team for cooking and serving 192 Christmas dinners - our largest number to date! 


Poppy, Year 3, was player of the season. Well done!

Luca, Year 1, was player of the day. Well done!

Year 4 perform their ukulele skills for Year 3 - Last Christmas.

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Year 4 perform their ukulele for Year 3.

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Year 5 Rocksteady band

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Year 2 Rocksteady band

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Year 6 Rocksteady band

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Book Club Bake Sale


Mrs Pearson and all of the children who attend 'Book Club' would like to thank the school community for the fantastic support on Thursday 2nd December for the 'Book Club Bake sale'.

A huge thank you goes to the children and parents of Book Club – we wouldn’t have been able to do it without you and all of the fantastic cakes and donuts that you provided!

Thanks to your generosity, we have raised a fantastic £176.37. 

Well done everyone, and a special thank you to Mrs Pearson for organising.


Farewell, after 18 years!


We are extremely sad to say that today (30th November) was Mrs Wright's last day as a midday supervisor at Noak Bridge! Mrs Wright has worked at the school for 18 years and has seen many children and families pass through the school during her time here. The staff and children gathered in the hall at lunch to say thank you and give her three cheers!

Everyone at Noak Bridge wishes you all the very best for the future Mrs Wright and we hope you will pop in to see us from time to time.

Noak Bridge 'Little Libraries'


This week two 'Little Libraries' have been placed outside the village hall by the Parish Council. In July 2022, children in key stage 2 painted the images onto the little libraries which represent 'landmarks' around Noak Bridge such as the 'duck pond'.

'Share books, read books, love books!'

Thank you, Mrs Jones, for supporting the children to complete this wonderful project.

Essex Library Service visits Noak Bridge


On Tuesday 29th November the Essex Library Service (and bus!) visited Noak Bridge to share with pupils what services were available with their library card. Pupils were given the opportunity to enrol and get their own library card (if they didn't already have one). Afterschool, children had the opportunity to visit the library service bus and 'take out' some books to read.

Thank you, Miss Fisher, for organising this opportunity for the children.





Noak Bridge Christmas Tree


We would like to say a huge 'Thank You' to the 'Probert' family (Dunton Christmas Trees) for donating the beautiful tree we have in the main entrance - we have already had so many compliments!

Like last year, we invited Year 6 to decorate the tree and they have done a fantastic job.


MAT Art workshop


On Thursday 24th November, children from our Academy schools (Janet Duke and Great Berry) came to Noak Bridge to join an art workshop led by Mrs Barrett. Children from Year 2 were selected by their teachers to take part. The children looked at 'Starry Night' painted by Vincent Van Gogh and created a mixed media, snowy scene in the style of Van Gogh and his famous painting.

The children were enthusiastic, worked hard and created some wonderful pieces of art - well done everyone!

EYFS Outdoor Learning



Outdoor Learning Club


We enjoyed toasting marshmallows in Outdoor Learning Club, after learning about fire safety. Yum!

November is s National Epilepsy Awareness Month.

Key facts
Epilepsy is a condition that affects the brain, causing repeated seizures.
Anyone can have a one-off seizure, but it doesn’t always mean they have epilepsy.
People are usually only diagnosed with epilepsy if their doctor thinks there’s a high chance they could have more seizures.
Epilepsy can start at any age and there are many different types.
Some types last for a limited time, but for many people, epilepsy can be a life-long condition.


Find out more from Epilepsy Action, use link below:

Naisha and Juno, Year 3, took part in a football tournament, Juno received a trophy for saving the most goals. Well done!

Ela, Year 3, received these awards within her dance lessons. Well done!

Children in Need 

Friday 18th November 2022


Our school council organised for children to have crazy hair and wear 'spotty' non-uniform to raise money for Children in Need. There were some very crazy hair styles and the children looked great in their spotty clothes. Well done everyone!

Monday 14th November, we wore odd socks to mark the start of anti-bullying week and to celebrate what makes us all unique and spread kindness!

Calling Out (Official Video) | Andy and the Odd Socks | for Anti-Bullying Week 2022

Here is our song for Odd Socks Day and Anti-Bullying Week 2022. Anti-Bullying Week starts with Odd Socks Day on the 14th November This year's theme is 'Reach Out' and we hope you enjoy our song for the Anti-Bullying Alliance. 'Calling Out' is the official song for Odd Socks Day and Anti-Bullying Week 2022 .

World Diabetes Day 

14th November 2022


On Monday 14th November we wore blue to support 'World Diabetes Day', to promote awareness of Type 1 diabetes and to raise money to support the research into diabetes.

Children asked why we were wearing blue and the answer is (according to the International Diabetes Federation:

A blue circle is the global symbol for diabetes awareness and the logo of World Diabetes Day. 

“The colour blue reflects the sky that unites all nations and is the colour of the United Nations flag. The blue circle signifies the unity of the global diabetes community in response to the diabetes pandemic.”


We are pleased to announced that we raised £176.50 which will be donated to JDRF.

Well done Noak Bridge!



Bobbi, Year 2, spoke to her class about diabetes - well done Bobbi!

Mrs Gibson spoke with Year1, Year 2 and Year 4 about Type 1 diabetes on World Diabetes Day.

Yr6 & yr5 Girls football tournament


On the 3rd of November 2022,  year 5 & 6 students whose names are Polly, Bethany, Eadie, Isla, Erin, Anabelle, Amalia and Caoimhe participated in the girls football tournament at James Hornsby Secondary School. Unfortunately, we did not place but we tried our hardest. We went against Great Berry, Merrylands, Lee Chapel and more.


by Bethany and Polly

We are very excited, pleased and proud to announce that we have been awarded an

'Artsmark Silver Award'.


The journey for this award has been a long and challenging process which started before the first lockdown!

Here is some of the positive feedback received from the assessors:


'You developed an Artsmark Committee of key staff to take your developments forward, developing clear skills/knowledge progression in arts subjects.

Links have been made with Essex Music Hub, instrumental tuition and music performance opportunities have increased and you have become a Music Mark school. Art Week has broadened to Arts Week, in which poetry has been used to promote inclusivity and respect.

You adapted to the pandemic by moving some provision online and you shared online Art workshops across your MAT. CPD was likewise accessed digitally, and staff now feel more confident to incorporate the Arts in their teaching.

Your links to ROH have enhanced your understanding of equality and diversity and it is good that you have plans to further promote equality and diversity within your curriculum.

Given the difficulties you have faced, you have done very well to maintain an emerging momentum in the Arts.' 

4th November 2022

Sanaya, Year 4, completed level 4 in gymnastics. Well done!

Eli, Year 2, was the penalty shoot out winner. Well done!

George, Year 4, football player of the week. Well done!

Year 3 Outdoor Learning 8th November - bug hotels and mud faces

Report for Year 3 outdoor learning written by Ronnie.

Warrior of the week


This week Jude (Year 3) was chosen as the 'Warrior of the Week' at Ju Jitsu. Well done Jude!

Warrior of the week


This week Isla (Year 1) was chosen as the 'Warrior of the Week' at Ju Jitsu. Well done Isla!

Performer of the week


This week Taylor (Year 3) was chosen as the 'Performer of the Week' at the Stand Out drama club. Well done!

Anti-Bullying Week 2022: Reach Out

Bullying affects millions of young lives and can leave us feeling hopeless. But it doesn't have to be this way. If we challenge it, we can change it. And it starts by reaching out. This is one of the reasons, that 'Reach Out' has been chosen as the theme of Anti-Bullying Week 2022 taking place from 14 to 18 of November.

Anti-Bullying Week 2022: Reach Out - official Primary School film

The Anti-Bullying Alliance has worked with over 400 young people and 100 members of school staff to develop our theme for this year's Anti-Bullying Week. Anti-Bullying Week 2022 takes place from Monday 14th to Friday 18th November and you can find out more about how to get involved at Our Anti-Bullying Week 2022 call to action: Bullying affects millions of lives and can leave us feeling hopeless.

Anti-Bullying Week 2022 

14th - 18th November

Friendship and Kindness Week

Theme: Reach Out


Anti-Bullying Week 2022 is coordinated in England and Wales by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. It will take place from 14 to 18 November 2022 and has the theme Reach Out. The week will kick off with Odd Socks Day on Monday 14th November, where adults and children wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique.

Year 1 Local Area Field Trip


On Thursday 3rd November, Year 1 went on their first school trip to explore the local area within Noak Bridge village as part of their Geography unit. They used maps to plan their route and identify local features using symbols. They also looked at the different types of houses, shops and businesses within our local area. 

Wear Blue for World Diabetes Day!


On Monday 14th November we are inviting the school community to wear blue to support World Diabetes Day and research into Type 1 diabetes to improve lives.

We are asking for a minimum donation of £1.


Wildlife Club 


In our extra-curricular 'Wildlife Club' we used natural resources to make our own mud gargoyles.

Tuesday 1st November 2022

Year 6 - Outdoor Learning


At Noak Bridge Primary School we have started having a outdoor learning lesson every term. This consists of several activities in our outdoor nature reserve. Some of the year groups outdoor lessons are linked with their science topic such as year 6 topic of ‘living things and their habitats’.


In year 6 we were discovering insects and animals that live in our nature reserve. We found insects such as ants, earwigs, centipedes and much more. The insects that were small were placed in small pots for photos. We drew the insects then wrote some facts and features about them. Students found this lesson very fun and informative.

Written by Finlay R and Georgie

Dreaming of diversity in football


Naisha (Year 3) and her sister (ex-pupil) were featured in a national newspaper discussing making girls' football more accessible amongst South Asian communities, helping to break barriers which prevent girls from playing football.

A great article!

Show Racism the Red Card

On Thursday 20th October we wore red and took part in an assembly educating against racism.

Bawdsey Manor Residential Trip 19th - 21st October

To see all of the photos from our residential trip, click on the link below.

Year 5 Outdoor Learning – Wednesday 19th October 2022


Year 5 had their outdoor learning morning the end of the half term and they had a lot of fun working together and being creative.

To begin with, they collected a range of different natural objects with vibrant and different colours like charcoal and plums. The children then used a range of different objects to try to create different patterns and colours on a sheet and some of these were very creative. They have been creating 3D maps in Art over the half term, so worked on collecting a range of resources to try to recreate these or create a completely new 3D map using sticks, twigs, leaves and anything else that the children could find. The children foraged to find the best sticks and acorns that they could find to create mini acorn people; this was definitely the highlight for all of them. Year 5 were very creative and even accessorised some of their acorn people. It was lovely to spend time together outside and work as a team.

Religious Education in Year 1


Year 1 have been learning about worship using their senses. Smelling Jewish besamim spice and insense used in Hindu and Christian worship. Touching Hindu diva lamps, Christian crucifixes and Jewish menorah candle sticks. We have also tasted Jewish challah bread, Christian bread and grape juice used in communion. We have looked at Ganesha, the Hindu God too.

Religious Education in Year 1

 Success in BMX National British Championships


Harry, in Year 4, has been dedicated to his practice of BMX freestyle for many years and recently took part in the National British Championships. We are so proud to say that Harry came 4th place in the under 12’s in the National British Cycling Championships in the UK. An amazing achievement, well done Harry!

Player of the Week


Freddie (Year 3) was chosen as the 'Player of the Week' for Hashtag United. Well done Freddie!

Swimming Certificate


Taylor (Year 3) completed level 'Octopus 3' within his swimming lessons. Well done Taylor!

Cooking biscuits in EYFS

Thursday 13th October 2022


The children had great fun baking today. We talked about making biscuits and learned about where the ingredients came from. The children followed the instructions of the recipe carefully and worked together to add the ingredients and make the dough. The children rolled out the dough and used cookie cutters to cut out and then added sprinkles. The biscuits were yummy! Well done Reception.

FREE parenting courses

World Mental Health Day


On the 10th of October 2022, Noak Bridge Primary School took part in ‘Mental Health Awareness Day’. To celebrate this, pupils and staff wore yellow, which is known to bring joyful vibes. As yellow reminds people of the beach, the sun and various, bright flowers, it was chosen to represent this day because these objects make people happy. We discussed mental health, the importance of doing things to help our minds be healthy and what we can do to look after our mental health and wellbeing. Noak Bridge Primary School also took part in activities to symbolise this vital day: we made bunting with quotes that will spread positive feelings and remind pupils, as well as teachers, of a pleasure-filled day in school.


By Bethany Cole and Rufus Otter.


To support your mental health please look at our website pages:

Tag Rugby Experience


On the 4th of October 2022, year 5 and year 6 pupils (who are on the tag rugby team) were asked if they could come to James Hornsby to do tag rugby training to represent our school. If some parents couldn’t take their children to this sport event and their child really wanted to help participate and represent our school, a teacher was able to take the children to James Hornsby if needed. The teachers who were supervising the students were Mrs Scates and Mrs Barrett (who is Deputyhead).


When the children got there, they started off by practising their passing skills as this is a vital part of tag rugby. After that, our team did some mini matches against other teams. The other schools that participated were Maryland’s and Willows.

Some children will return to represent the school in the tag rugby league.


Written by Bethany and Ruby

Warrior of the week


This week Joey (Year 3) was chosen as the 'Warrior of the Week' at Ju Jitsu. Well done Joey!

Gymnast of the Week


Bobbi (Year 2) was chosen as the 'Star of the Week' at gymnastic club. Well done Bobbi!

Performer of the week


This week Pheonix (Year 4) was chosen as the 'Performer of the Week' at the Stand Out drama club. Well done Pheonix!

Performer of the week


This week Bobbi (Year 2) was chosen as the 'Performer of the Week' at the Stand Out drama club. Well done Bobbi!

Year 6 PSHE

We started the year by looking at how we are similar, and different, and therefore special.

Essex Royals Tournament Winners!


On the weekend of the 3rd and 4th September many local football teams took part in the 'Essex Royals Tournament'. Sonny and Max from Hashtag United won their group games, semi-final and then went on to win their age group final on penalties. Well done!

On behalf of Noak Bridge Primary School, we would like to extend our sincere condolences following the passing of Her Majesty The Queen. Our thoughts are with the Royal Family at this sad time. Rest In Peace Your Majesty.

Celebrating creativity in Leigh On Sea

Shakespeare Rocks!

Year 6 production 


On Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July (the hottest days of the year!) our Year 6 pupils performed their leavers production.

Everyone delivered their lines with aplomb, spoke clearly and audibly and sang beautifully - bringing a tear to many eyes. It was a truly wonderful performance, well done to our ‘2022 leavers’.

MAT Sports Day


On Thursday 14th July some children from Year 1, Year 4 and Year 6 were chosen to represent Noak Bridge at our MAT Sports Day. This was organised to allow children who may find our whole school sports day overwhelming and will enable them to participate in sports events and represent the school. The children demonstrated the Noak Bridge school values , everyone had fun, everyone received a medal and an ice lolly! It was a great morning - thank you to Great Berry for hosting.

A special thanks to Jake and Kellan (Year 6) for supporting the younger children.

To see all of the photos click on the link below to view our gallery:

Summer Open Evening

Thursday 14th July 2022


It was so lovely to finally be able to invite families back into school to look at and share their children's work from throughout the year and from special events such as Arts Week or Science Week. 

To see all of the photos click on the link below to view our gallery:

Noak Bridge Allotment


The week beginning 11th July 2022 some pupils in Year 4 picked, washed and ate some of the beans grown in the Noak Bridge allotment.

A special thanks to Mr Gibson who has transformed the allotment and managed to grow vegetables.


School's Commonwealth Games


On Friday 8th July, 9 children from Year six took part in the school's Commonwealth Games. On another very hot day, the children demonstrated the Noak Bridge Values and participated in a wide variety of events from table tennis to boxing. Each event was led by a Commonwealth athlete and was a wonderful experience, the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Sports Day 2022


On Wednesday 6th July we had our first whole school sports day for 3 years! It was lovely to be able to invite families into school to watch their children participate in a range of events. The children performed well in hot conditions and it was nice to hear so many children encouraging their peers.

Thank you to Mr Carswell for organising and all the staff who helped to ensure the events ran smoothly.

Rock Steady Concert

June 2022


On Thursday 30th June the 'Rock Steady Bands' performed for their families and the Year One class. It was a fantastic concert and it was great to see how much the children have improved since Christmas. Everyone in the band was able to 'keep the rhythm', change notes, read music and the 'vocalists' sang beautifully - they were confident and very brave!

Year 1 Band

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Year 2 Band

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Year 4 Band

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Year 5 Band

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Arts Week 2022


All this week, classes have been listening to music from a range of historical periods and different artists / composers. We have also been looking at range of artists from different cultures and time periods in order to create our own pieces of art.

The children thoroughly enjoyed all of the creative activities and Jimmy in year 2 said to Mrs Barrett

'I will miss Arts Week!'

Work will be displayed at our Open Evening in July.

The Noak Bridge Primary School choir were invited by Noak Bridge Parish Council to sing the 'song of the Commonwealth' as part of the 'beacon lighting' ceremony as part of the local celebrations for the Queens Platinum Jubilee. 

Thank you to all of the children, parents and staff who gave up their time to represent the school at such a wonderful event!

Year 3 Kurling Team


On Monday 14th March, 6 pupils from Year 3 represented Noak Bridge at our MAT Kurling Competition. Once again, one of our sports teams were respectful, encouraging and worked well as a team.


In May 2022, Shaun Badham shared the final update regarding the 'Radion Project' and the installation of our pupils' artwork on the exterior walls of the new cinema in Basildon.


'I just wanted to share the great news that the screen with your students leaves has finally been installed. The installation team are just finishing off some final touches such as the information panel, but it is basically there.

 The area where the screen is located is currently still cordoned off but as soon as it is open to the public, I will let you know.

 I attach a photograph of the nature and heritage side of the screen, though due to its length, it is actually difficult to capture it in one photograph. But below is a link to a video of myself walking past it, which gives you a closer look.

 I also attach a nature map, which shows you exactly where your students leaves can be located on the screen, which will help yourself and your students find them. I have physical copies of this attached map, which I can give to you, either at the mini launch (date tbc) of the screen this summer, or drop them off at your school.'


It is amazing that our pupils artwork will be part of Basildon for many years to come.




Our Platinum Jubilee Celebrations   



On Friday 27th May 2022 - we celebrated this momentous occasion with many fun and creative activities.


Lunchtime disco

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Lunchtime disco

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Lunchtime disco

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Lunchtime disco

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Lunchtime disco

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Lunchtime disco

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Entertainment - Rosie

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Entertainment - Freya, Amelia, Amelie and Tonka

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Entertainment - Sanaya

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Entertainment - Milena

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Entertainment - Willow

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Entertainment - EYFS

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Entertainment - Mia

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Entertainment - Bobbi

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Entertainment - Vincent

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Entertainment - Lenny and Jude

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Entertainment - Lenny and Jude

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Basildon Music Festival 


On Tuesday 17th May 2022 the Noak Bridge Choir represented our school at the Towngate Theatre as part of the Basildon Music Festival.

The children joined schools from across the local area and sang a variety of songs.

Everyone sang with enthusiasm and with beaming smiles on their faces. Well done to the Noak Bridge supporters for being the loudest! 
Thank you to Miss Fisher and Mrs Scates for all their hard work, time and effort. 

Listen to us sing!

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Essex Cross-Country Finals


On Wednesday 27th April, Reisha represented the school at the Essex Cross-Country Finals. Reisha qualified for the event as she finished in the top 3 at the district competition before Easter. At the county finals, she was up against some of the best runners, in her age group, from around Essex and performed excellently, finishing 37th out of a field of well over 100. We all incredibly proud of Reisha's achievement. Well done!

Budding Author!


Joshua in Year 5 entered a competition in the Essex Life Magazine - to write a story about Spring.  He was a finalist and has won a special afternoon tea! This is an amazing achievement - well done Joshua.

His story is below, for you to enjoy.

The mauve coloured Lavender was gently swaying as the gentle breeze stroked at the wild flowers. WHOOSH! The lengthy grass yielded to the graceful paws of an enchanting rabbit that was rapidly prowling like a cheetah under attack. 

Searching for safety, the bunny sluggishly made his way through the olive-green grass. As it did so, the wind slapped onto the ground, causing the greenery to considerably flatten. The rabbit, with its magenta pink nose, suddenly came to a halt and tilted his head to survey the environment around him. His chalky fur stood on end. Beady eyes glared at him from the other end of the lush foliage. At that moment, the creature that possessed eyes of steel raced at the innocent bunny. The rabbit quietly shrieked and darted through the park’s grass, accelerating past all of the flowers. They parted like the red sea as he collided with them. Scrambling to get away from the creature’s grasp, the rabbit turned his head around and saw 2 bulging eyes staring at its prey and a charcoal black nose in the shape of a cone.  


The elusive rabbit turned a 180 degree turn and then something struck him. However, not physically but mentally. It was an escape plan! He was confronted by a particularly tall shrub that had wiry, spiky branches. A miniscule hole, just big enough for the bunny to crouch into, was placed at the bottom of the bush. If he could scrape through the hole with time on his side, he should be able to outrun the fox that currently stood licking his lips. The fox knew that cooked rabbit was particularly rich. Not noticing the towering vegetation above him, the fox followed every footstep his prey took. Between the space of the two animals and the huge bush, the greenery seemed to get thicker and much taller. This meant it was harder for the fox to stay on track of the rabbit’s movement. Then, the moment of truth... 

IT WORKED! The bunny had time on his side and he just managed to fit through the small hole in the bush. Whether the fox would be able to catch up with the rabbit was not something to think about because the rabbit had a huge head start if this was the case. Luckily, he knew where he was. He was in The Spring Vegetable Patch! This was a huge area of land that was utilised in Spring for vegetables to grow. 

The baby rabbit stood on his hind legs and crouched through a small arch that was made of mud, dirt and grass. The rabbit was struggling. He was clutching so many kilograms of vegetables that it was hard for him to stand up, let alone walk. He saw two semi circles behind another arch that led from the entrance to a spacious, dim cavity. A larger rabbit approached the other bunny. He had managed to find his way back to the burrow.  

Wishing all our families a very Happy Easter!

Who Can Help Us in the Community?


In EYFS and Year 1, as part of PSHE, the children have been learning about the emergency services and their role in keeping us safe. We were lucky enough to have been visited by some parents who have spoken with the children about their jobs in the community. Thank you to Mr Gibson and Mrs Gibson and Miss Loumousioti. 

Religious Education (RE) in Year 4


The children have been learning about Hinduism and cyclic patterns in nature and had the opportunity to make their own natural patterns.

Fantastic job Year 4! 

For more pictures, follow link below:

Year 1 Local Area Field Trip


On Thursday 10th March, Year 1 went on their first school trip within Noak Bridge village. We were using street maps to identify local features using symbols for geography and we were looking for signs of spring for Science. The weather was glorious and we saw many signs of Spring, including frogs and frogspawn, at our village pond! 

For more pictures, follow the link below:


Frogs and frogspawn in the village pond.

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Thursday 3rd March 2022


Once again, everyone has made a fantastic effort with their World Book Day costumes! blush

Throughout the day children have been listening to authors, watching artists show how they draw characters for books, created their own book marks or front cover for a book, writing about their favourite books or characters and reading with children in different year groups - to name a few!!

The children came in excited to see their friends and teachers and have had a great day.


More pictures can be found in the 'gallery' - use the link below.



Noak Bridge Kurling Team


On Tuesday 1st March 2022, 4 children from Year 6 represented Noak Bridge at an Essex kurling tournament. The team played really well, they all had some great shots and used some clever tactics! The team came 6th out of 13 teams - a great achievement!

Most importantly, the team congratulated winning opponents, they said 'good game' or 'well done' when they won and communicated well as a team - demonstrating 'Noak Bridge Values' smiley 

On Shrove Tuesday, Year 1 wrote the instructions to make pancakes and then had the opportunity to cook and eat their own!

They were yummy.

Year 6 practicing ordering and paying for ice cream in Spanish

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The sporting week was concluded on Friday afternoon when the Year 5/6 football team travelled to Great Berry for the first 9-a-side league match of the season. The first half was a struggle for the team and it was clear that the opposition had more recent experience of 9-a-side football, having played two of their league fixtures already. Being 5-0 down at half time, the aim of the second half was to be far more competitive and the team certainly did that: only one goal was conceded throughout the entire second half and the team managed to create some great chances to score themselves. Overall, there are lots of positives to take from the match and the team can look forward to their next match against Lee Chapel on Monday 7th March. 

Noak Bridge also had a mixed boys and girls team attend another West Ham Foundation tournament on Thursday. Despite being in a very tough group, the team performed brilliantly, winning one, drawing one and losing one. Like the girls team, the mixed squad also came third in their group. 

On Tuesday, the girls team represented Noak Bridge at a local football tournament run by the West Ham Foundation at Billericay Town FC's stadium, New Lodge. The girls played well throughout the tournament and even managed to win one match 9-0. Overall, the girls came 3rd in their group and can be really proud of their performances throughout the day. 

Online Safety Awareness Session for Parents, Grandparents, Carers & Guardians



Thursday 24th February


Delivered virtually via Zoom


Juno Year 2 - News report about the Great Fire of London.

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Radion project update


Local artist Shaun Badham, regularly updates Noak Bridge on the progress of the artwork for the new cinema in Basildon, which we contributed to and children will be able to see their leaf rubbings (frottage) in their local town!


Message from Shaun:

'I just wanted to send over what will hopefully be one final update before the final screen is completed.

I recently received new images from the fabricator who has started producing the full size panels, which you can see in the images attached, the quality and colour is looking really good, which is good news, so hopefully students will be able to find their leaves easily enough. Though to help with this, we will still be making a map so each school knows where there leaves are roughly located.

The current timeline is that the final screen will be complete by mid April, which I will of course let you know about.'


To find out more about the Radion project please see our 'Artsmark Journey' page on the website, link below:


Our Artsmark Journey | Noak Bridge Primary School (

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 8th February 2022


The theme this year was ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’.

Pupils took part in the Safer Internet Day assembly, had discussions around our ‘SMART with a ❤️‘ rules and completed some cross-curricular learning to explore internet safety and behaviour online.

'Multi Schools Council' Ambassadors!!!


Following Kierran's visit to our school, two children (Jake and Amelia) were chosen to be ambassadors for the Multi Schools Council!

This is amazing news and we wish Jake and Amelia all the very best on their new and exciting journey supporting the 'Multi Schools Council' to educate others.

Jake on ADHD

ADHD Awareness


On Wednesday 19th January, Kierran from 'Multi Schools Council' came to Noak Bridge to talk about, raise awareness and understanding of ADHD. Kierran led a whole school assembly, with some classes joining via Zoom, and led workshops with every class in the school. The teachers also had a training session after school. Kierran spoke with some children - video above!



Pheonix, Year 3, practising to ‘touch type’.

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Jorgie, Year 3, practising to ‘touch type’.

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William, Year 3, practising to ‘touch type’.

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Well done Noak Bridge Choir!

Spanish Curriculum


Children in Key Stage 2 learn Spanish as part of our curriculum, here are some children practising their Spanish dialogue - great work!

Year 6

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Year 5

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Year 4

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Year 3

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Frost Angels!


During the chilly weather this week, Year 1 seized the opportunity to make frost angels!  smiley

Year 6 applied the art skills they have been learning this term: showing perspective, using a range of watercolour techniques, and atmospheric perspective to their Christmas cards.

Year 3 - Science, Magnets and Christmas!

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Year 3 - Science, Magnets and Christmas!

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School choir perform at the Eastgate Centre 


On Wednesday 15th December 2021 the school choir performed a medley of Christmas songs at the Eastgate Centre to raise money for our local hopsice. The choir have practised throughout the second half of the autumn term to prepare for the performance which went really well and even brought a tear to Miss Waterman's eye! The participating schools raised £168.73 for St Lukes Hospice - great job everyone!

School choir

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School choir

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Vincent in year 4 built these amazing, Christmas inspired Lego creations (built 'freestyle' without any instructions) and plans to submit his ideas to 'Lego Ideas' in the hope that his design could become a Lego set - good luck Vincent!

On Friday 10th December we had our Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner - everyone was excited and had an enjoyable lunch singing along to our favourite Christmas songs 🎄

Year 2 enjoying Christmas dinner with a song 😊

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On Thursday 9th December our Rock Steady bands performed to their families - great job everyone! 
To watch the performances follow this link:

Rock Steady Concert December 2021



Children in Need 


On Friday the 19th November 2021, we held a non-uniform day to raise money for Children in Need.


Year 6 have decorated the Noak Bridge Christmas tree - great job everyone! 😊🎄

Author Visit - Grant Strong

To help promote a love of reading and writing, we arranged to have a real-life author visit our school and talk about what it’s like to write and publish books!

Grant Strong visited us on Monday 15th November and gave an illuminating assembly on what it is like to be an author. Grant spoke about his inspiration for story writing and shared lots of amusing stories with the children. Pupils had the opportunity to meet him and purchase his books, ensuring they received a signed, personalised copy!

Our KS2 classes were then fortunate to have a planning session in their classrooms with Grant. He talked about the importance of planning a story and the different aspects involved. The children then each had a turn at planning their own stories!

The children thoroughly enjoyed their time with Grant and it was very beneficial for them to talk to someone who has been so successful.

District team success!


We are delighted that Louie (year 6) has been selected to represent the Basildon district team for the current season. Over 200 children originally attended the trials and Louie has done brilliantly to make the squad. We wish him all the best for the upcoming season and look forward to seeing how he gets on! Well done, Louie! 

The week beginning 15th November we joined schools across the country to promote 'Anti-Bullying Week' with the theme 'One Kind Word'.

On Monday we wore Odd Socks as an opportunity for children to express themselves and celebrate their uniqueness. We can spread kindness by celebrating what makes us all unique.

In our RPSHE lessons this week we defined bullying, discussed what we should do if we see bullying, or you are being bullied, who can help us, what makes a good friend and how we can be kind. 

We had a virtual whole school assembly to get us thinking about how we can start the 'ripple of kindness'.

What will you do today to be kind?

                                              Remembrance Day 2021 

           Lest We Forget      


Remembrance honours those who serve to defend our democratic freedoms and way of life.

We unite across faiths, cultures and backgrounds to remember the service and sacrifice of the Armed Forces community from Britain and the Commonwealth. We will remember them.

  • We remember the sacrifice of the Armed Forces community from Britain and the Commonwealth.
  • We pay tribute to the special contribution of families and of the emergency services.
  • We acknowledge innocent civilians who have lost their lives in conflict and acts of terrorism.


The week beginning 8th November our assemblies focused on teaching the children about Remembrance Day, why we wear poppies, we shared the famous poem 'In Flanders Fields' by John  McCrae, the last post and memorials. On Remembrance Day at 11am we held a 2 minute silence and took time to reflect, remember and commemorate those who have fought and died in war. 

Year 6 Residential Trip to Bawdsey Manor


From Wednesday 3rd - Friday 5th November our Year 6's attended their residential trip to Bawdsey Manor - PGL.

The children took part in rifle shooting, archery, aeroball, Jacob's ladder, trapeze, giant swing, abseiling, ambush, assault course, sensory trail and orienteering.

To see our many photos please follow the link below:

Bawdsey Manor Year 6 residential November 2021 | Noak Bridge Primary School ( 



On Thursday 4th November 2021 some of our families celebrated Diwali and shared gifts with their classes - this was so kind!

The word Diwali means 'rows of lighted lamps'.

Diwali is known as the 'festival of lights' because houses, shops and public places are decorated with small oil lamps called 'diyas'.


In our EYFS class they made 'Diya' lamps using salt dough.


Multi Academy Trust (MAT) STEMATHON event at Noak Bridge


On Friday 15th October, children from Lower Key Stage 2 across the three multi-academy schools (Noak Bridge, Great Berry and Janet Duke) came together for a STEMATHON. It was a chance for children to test their thinking, team work, scientific and engineering skills by competing in various STEM challenges. Children from all three schools participated magnificently by supporting each other as well as building on the ideas shared by other to improve their own creations - just like real scientists. Great fun was had by children and staff alike, with one year 3 child saying that it was 'the best day ever'. 


Olympic BMX freestyle bronze medallist, Declan Brooks, visited 'Rom Skatepark' in Hornchurch during the summer holidays to talk about his career, training regime and love of skateparks. 


Harry, in year 4, (our very own BMX superstar) met and had a photo taken with Declan, he signed Harry's BMX helmet, gave him some gloves, and BMX grips. He also said "Harry can ride this skatepark well, and if he can ride there, he can ride anywhere!"


We hope to see you in future Olympics Harry - keep up your hard work and practise!

Welcome back to school everyone! Let's make it a great year.

Spanish Weather Report

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Joshua in Year 4 wrote his own weather report in Spanish accompanied by a weather map he also created on his laptop!


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Year 6 Leavers 2021


On Tuesday 20th July 2021 it was an emotional final day at Noak Bridge Primary for our lovely year 6 class.

They were surprised with a BMX experience in the morning and had their leaver’s assembly in the afternoon, watched by their families, to share memories of their time at Noak Bridge and how they have grown over the years. We wish them all the very best for the future!

All photographs can be found in the gallery, link below:

Year 6 Leavers BMX event | Noak Bridge Primary School (

Lockdown Leavers 2021

Drumming Workshop Friday 9th July 2021


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Year 1’s Teddy Bears Picnic

Update from CSSE regarding 11+

Are you entitled to Free School Meals?

Aidan in Year 4 created this fantastic ‘Stop Motion’ animation within his computing lessons. Well done!

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A GCSE Music student has volunteered to teach drumming 1:1 with some pupils in Year 4. The children have really enjoyed the lessons and made excellent progress!

1:1 Drumming Lessons with Year 4

Healthy Eating Week

Science Week 24th -28th May 2021


We had an amazing week at Noak Bridge for Science Week - learning all about dinosaurs. 


Each class conducted various different science activities, including designing their own dinosaurs and learning about the famous paleontologist Mary Anning. 


We were also so lucky to have a visit from Jam the T-Rex and his owners at Teach Rex where we learnt more about dinosaurs, their features and habitats as well as having a go at creating our very own green screen dinosaur movie! 


In the words of Amelia-May, Year 2 - "It was the best day ever!!". 


Here are some snippets from the things we got up to...


To see all photos, please look in the gallery: Science Week | Noak Bridge Primary School ( 



This week, beginning 14th June, Year 6 have started 'Bikeability'.

Bikeability is today’s cycle training programme. It’s about gaining practical skills and understanding how to cycle on today’s roads.

This is an essential life skill for now and in the future.

Y6 Virtual Dance Festival May 2021

On Tuesday 25th May 2021 some of our talented Year 6 dancers took part in the CPRSSP virtual dance festival and performed this dance to other local schools.
I am sure you will all agree, they were brilliant!

More photos from 'Pyjamarama' can be found within the 'Gallery' laugh

Pyjamarama | Noak Bridge Primary School (

Meet Buddy

The children meet Buddy, a friendly, green speech bubble who believes that children should be able to speak out to someone if they're worried or unhappy.

w/b 17th May 2021

NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. online programme


We are pleased to tell you that this week we will be participating in the NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. online programme. This consists of an online assembly and supporting classroom based activities. Speak out. Stay safe. is a safeguarding programme available to all primary schools in the UK and Channel Islands. It aims to help children understand abuse in all its forms and to recognise the signs of abuse in a child friendly, interactive way. Children are taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a trusted adult or Childline.


The NSPCC have developed an online version of their Speak out. Stay safe. programme to help overcome some of the challenges that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has presented in relation to having external speakers in school. In the online assembly, the Speak out. Stay safe. messages continue to be delivered in a fun and interactive way with the help of their mascot Buddy as well as special guest appearances from Ant and Dec.


We have studied the content of the materials and are extremely confident that they are appropriate for primary-school-aged children. By the end of the programme, we’re convinced children will feel empowered – knowing how they can speak out and stay safe.


If you would like to know more about the Speak out. Stay safe. programme you can find information on the NSPCC website or I would be happy to discuss any questions that you may have.


Adapted assembly for home use

The NSPCC has also developed an adapted version of their assembly for parents/carers to use at home with their children. This can be found here: Watch our Speak out Stay safe assembly at home | NSPCC. With the help of celebrities, the film focuses on how a child can get support if they have any worries or concerns


To complement the assembly, there are some resources that can be used to enable further discussion whilst doing activities with your children.  These are hosted on the NSPCC website  


Talking PANTS with your children

‘Talk PANTS’ is a simple way for parents to help keep children safe from sexual abuse – without using scary words or even mentioning sex. The guide uses the rules of PANTS to teach children that their body belongs to them and them alone. You can find out more and download the free resources at


Childline Under 12’s Website

Childline also have a website with age appropriate advice for primary school children on topics such as bullying. It also has games and other interactive tools.Your child can visit it at

If you’d like to know more about the NSPCC’s work, or take a look at the wide range of information and advice which is available for parents and carers, please visit their website

Hearing Awareness Week 3rd - 9th May 2021


Prefects led an assembly around Hearing Awareness which helped us to think about different types of communication, how we can be aware of hearing loss and how we can remove barriers to communication.


Top Tips for Communication:

  • Make sure you have the person's attention before you start speaking.
  • Stand or sit in a place with good lighting, so that you can be lip-read.
  • Try to find a quiet place to communicate with little background noise as this can be distracting.
  • use your usual voice level. 
  • Speak clearly and steadily.
  • Use a variety of ways to communicate: British Sign Language, writing, body language, texting etc.
  • Look, smile, chat.


Below is the PowerPoint shared with the whole school.



17th March 2021



 We are pleased to announce that we have continued to meet the criteria, and therefore, maintain our Healthy School Status! 

Well done everyone smiley

A special thanks to Miss Caddell for her hard work in submitting our application.


11th March 2021

We are pleased to announce that we have achieved the Essex Virtual School Attachment Awareness Bronze Award!


An attachment aware school is one where the whole staff: have a good understanding of the impact of significant relational traumas and losses upon pupils, have attachment principles firmly embedded within their policies and use an attachment framework to understand behaviours. 

Over the past year we have raised awareness and developed our approach to supporting mental health and well-being including the introduction of the 'Zones of Regulation' and 'Emotion Coaching'. We now hope to embed our child centred approach and continue to support the children's emotional well-being.

World Book Day 2021 


On Thursday 4th March 2021, Noak Bridge Primary School celebrated World Book Day. Despite this year's circumstances being a little different than usual, many children enjoyed the opportunity to dress up as their favourite book character and took part in lots of book-themed activities as part of their remote learning for the day. Please see our photo gallery for some of the great costumes we witnessed on the day as well as some fantastic examples of work the pupils produced.

Photographs can be seen within the gallery section of our website (link below)

World Book Day | Noak Bridge Primary School (



smiley Max is Supporting the Little Princess Trust smiley

Update 24th February 2021




I have been growing my hair since July 2020 because one of my friends sisters had Leukaemia and needed the help of the charity Little Princess Trust. They make wigs for people to use, when they lose their hair because of cancer treatment. I wanted to help a little girl or boy to have a wig by using my hair. My hair is now 8 inches long, so I will get it cut when the barbers open and send my hair to Little Princess Trust and it will be made into a wig. I’m also raising money for them by getting sponsors, I have raised £365 so far.

This is amazing Max - everyone at Noak Bridge Primary School is so proud!



Essex Local Offer - virtual ‘Pin Board’


The SEND Navigators and many Parent Support Groups across the county, are coming together weekly during the pandemic, on the Virtual Parent Support Group Drop-in sessions. The purpose of these sessions is to improve communication and access to Education, Health and Social Care colleagues.

The drop-in will provide a weekly opportunity for representatives from Parent Support groups from across Essex to share the lived experiences, questions and issues that are being raised by the parents they represent.

The purpose of the virtual ‘Pin Board’ is to post services and resources to assist with some of the issues and common themes raised each week.

Tuesday 9th February 2021 is Safer Internet Day and with children needing to access the internet more often it is more important than ever to ensure this can be done safely.

Safer Internet Day is a global campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology, which calls on young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies and policymakers to join together in helping to create a better internet.

Using the internet safely and positively is a key message that we promote in school and celebrating Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity for us to re-emphasise the online safety messages we deliver throughout the year.

smiley  MINDFUL MONDAYS laugh


For the next few weeks, to give everybody a break at the weekends, instead of setting homework based on English and Maths, on a Friday, teachers will talk to the children about ‘Mindfulness Monday’ tasks which the children could complete over the weekend if they wish.

Work that is completed may be shared with the school community by being added to the ‘Remote Learning’ section of the website.


There will still be activities that your children can do if you wish, but there is no expectation from school that this is completed as homework.


This slight change in our provision will hopefully give you some time to spend on other activities you may feel that you don’t have time to do, like going for a walk, baking together, playing games or just simply reading together.



A warning message from our Community Safety and Engagement Officer


29th January 2021



Local artist Shaun wanted to get back in touch, to let us know they  have scanned all of our pupils' leaves. He said 'I really love the textures, colour and paper choices your students made. We are currently finalising the current nature side design, rather than allocating each school a panel, we are going to dedicate certain trees and bushes to each school, these seemed a bit more organic and less formal than a panel. We will supply the school with a map, identifying which ones are your students.' 

It is so exciting to be part of this project and to see our art work becoming a permanent feature of the new cinema in Basildon town centre! Can you find your leaf?




Competition winner!!


5th January 2021 Some great news to start the new year! Before Christmas Year 5 were asked to design a picture to be used under the new advisory 20’s plenty signs which will be placed near our school.

Rosie is the winner with the following design - Well done Rosie!






Lest We Forget


To commemorate Remembrance Day, all of the children in the school created a poppy, which have been put together to create the silhouette of a single soldier. 

We would like to say a huge thank you to the PFA for providing all of the children in the school with a 'goodie bag' to eat while they watched the virtual pantomimes. So kind smiley

We hope you enjoy our Christmas carols!

Year 6.mp4

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Year 5.mp4

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Year 4.mp4

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Year 3.mp4

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Year 2.mp4

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Year 1 z.mp4

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Its Fern's 2 year Diaversary, 2 years since her Type 1 diagnosis. We took a family photo to thank people via Facebook for the £425 raised following my post about Fern on World Diabetes Day and to celebrate how well Fern does. We also thanked everyone involved in her support which included everyone at school especially Miss Tanton and Mrs Scanlon. We said how we try our best to manage Fern's diabetes and make sure it never holds her back.  We also make sure diabetes doesn't control us as a family we do our best to control it.

Thank you very much for all you do.



Writing through the arts 


On Thursday 19th November Year 3 used drama and performance to help write a persuasive letter to Mrs Patient, with ideas of how they could improve the school. The children took it in turns to record their 'response' as if they were Mrs Patient. The children thoroughly enjoyed the activity and watching themselves back 'on the big screen!'.

More pictures are available in our 'Gallery' page.


Radion Project 


Shaun and Phillipa, local artists, are working to create a new public art sculpture on the side of the new cinema in Basildon Town Centre. They aim to involve different generations, age groups, and local schools within the project. This week, the week beginning 16th November, Noak Bridge Primary School have created leaf rubbings (frottage) to be included in the mural, every child has created a leaf image.

The art workshop activity included: 


  • an introduction to the new cinema and what a lenticular screen is.
  • Identifying why nature in the borough is important and what we can do to look after it and what role public art can play in this.
  • Working with lots of schools – idea of collaboration, working as a group.
  • The design of the mural so far and how your students leaf will be the key feature.
  • Art History – David Hockney vs Vincent Van Gogh
  • What is frottage and how to do it – Demo.
  • Identifying leaves with leaf identification card.



To see more images, please view our 'Gallery' and 'Our Artsmark Journey' pages.

Andy and the Odd Socks - Unique (Official Video)

Andy and the Odd Socks - Unique (Official Video) Pre-order our new album Who's in the Odd Socks? here: Follow on Spotify...

You Will Be Found - #CheerUpCharlie & West End Friends

A charity fundraising single for National Anti-Bullying Week 2020. All proceeds in aid of The Diana Award. To donate, visit:

What is diabetes? | Diabetes UK

3.8 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes in the UK, but a lot of people still don't know what diabetes is. For more information about diabetes go...

World Diabetes Day 14th November 2020


At our school we have children who have Type 1 Diabetes and to support World Diabetes Day we will be discussing diabetes within our assemblies this week. 

This year we are lucky enough to have one of our families sharing how they have started using 'Dexcom' to help manage diabetes.

We think you are very brave Fern - thank you!


If you would like to support research into type 1 diabetes, to improve lives, please donate through JDRF:

Fern talking about Diabetes

Other videos of Fern talking discussing Diabetes are in our 'Gallery' > 'Events 20-21' > Diabetes Awareness Assembly


Thank you to everyone who gave a voluntary donation to Children in Need on Friday 13th November 2020. In these difficult and challenging times your generosity is very much appreciated and we raised an amazing total of £152.80! Well Done everyone.

A great achievement on 'World Kindness Day' too!

More photographs available within our gallery.

Reminder: Non - Pupil day on Monday 2nd November 

Last year, November 2019, we raised the fantastic amount of £83.51 for the Poppy Appeal! Poppies are on sale again this year, please give your donation to your class teacher as poppies are kept in class. Thank you in advance.

We supported 'Give Racism the Red Card' on Friday 16th October. The children dressed in red and learnt about race, racism, equality and to celebrate difference. More photographs can be found within our gallery.


It’s that time of year again where it’s getting darker earlier, with darker mornings and the clocks going back soon.


We are sending the links below which contain useful Road Safety resources reminding pupils why it is important that everyone dresses brightly when out and about.

Josh Year 4 made an excellent model of an Iron Age settlement, great work!!

The Children's Mental Health Awareness Day was a great success! (see all photographs within the gallery of the 'children's' section)

Everyone made a real effort to wear an item of yellow, to think about and to talk about how we can stay mentally healthy.

Here are some strategies the children came up with: 


  • Release e.g. cry, squeeze pillow, stress ball
  • Get a enough sleep
  • Speak to someone you trust
  • Exercise
  • Smile
  • Be kind to each other
  • Have time alone
  • Write things down and then rip it up
  • Worry box at school
  • Keep occupied - reading, drawing, knitting
  • Get some fresh air - walking, looking at the sky
  • Spending time with people and our pets


For further support with mental health please look at the pages on our website within the 'Key Information' section.

Good Care in School Award | Congratulations | Diabetes UK

On Friday 16th October 2020 we would like everyone to wear red to support the 'Show Racism the Red Card' campaign.

Show Racism the Red Card 2018 Educational Film trailer

Come together for #HelloYellow 2020!

On Friday 9th October 2020 we would like everyone to wear yellow to raise awareness and promote good mental health and well-being for children. Looking after our well-being has never been more important so children will discuss and complete activities to explore ways of supporting their mental health and well-being.

Also on the 15th September 2020, we received the fantastic news that we have achieved the 'Good Diabetes Care in School Award'!! This award shows that our school takes the care and inclusion of children with medical conditions such as diabetes seriously, and that we are delivering good practice care as recognised by Diabetes UK. A special thanks goes to Mrs Scanlon, our 'appointed person' and Mrs Barrett for their hard work to improve our practice and complete the application. We would also like to thank our parents for the nomination and who supported our application.

15th September 2020 We received the amazing news that we became a 'Music Mark School'!! We were nominated by the Essex Music Hub to The UK Association for Music Education for our commitment to providing high-quality music education, they recognised the value that we place on music and our dedication to offering and delivering a broad and balanced curriculum. We are so pleased and would like to thank Miss Fisher (Music Lead) in particular for her hard work to further improve our music provision.

For the week beginning 7th September 2020, Reisha in year 5 attended a trial at the Essex FA's Regional Talent Centre. After performing well she was offered a place, for this season, in the U11's elite programme. This is the highest level a girl can play at, at this age, which is a fantastic accomplishment - well done Reisha! Let's support our potential Lioness!

On Friday 11th September 2020 Year 2 discussed the 'Zones of Regulation' and the feelings we may experience in each 'zone'. Being able to identify and name feelings is the start of emotional self-understanding and emotional self-regulation.

September 10th 2020 - Joshua in year 4 has been involved in fund raising for St Luke's Hospice. He took part in a 26 mile marathon and raised £1016. The money raised is enough to help 32 people at the hospice. This is amazing news and a great start to the year! Well done Josh, everyone at Noak Bridge is very proud of your achievement and kind behaviour.
