For the latest guidance regarding Coronavirus (COVID19) please use the links below:
To view our 'remote Learning' provision please visit the 'Remote Learning' page on our website, link below:
Other services available for support:
It can be very hard sometimes for people in an abusive relationship to reach out for help. Basildon Council wants to help make people aware of the places they can go to for help and support.
If you need to talk to someone and work out how to leave an abusive situation, there is help and support for you, and lots of people who will do all they can to help you find safety.
The South Essex Domestic Abuse Hub (SEDAH) is a good place to start. People can either call them on 01268 206798 for help and advice, in complete confidence or email
There is also advice and support available from the organisations below:
• Outside of business hours - Compass – 03303 337444 – open 24/7 for access to refuge space and support
• Changing Pathways – 01268 729707 – open Monday to Friday 9am until 5pm for access to refuge space and support remotely
• National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000247 – Freephone 24 hour service