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Noak Bridge Primary SchoolExcellence, Growth, Achievement.

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Adverse Weather Plan

Noak Bridge Primary School Adverse Weather Plan


In the event of disruption caused by adverse weather the prime concern of the school must always be the safety of our pupils and staff. We will always do our upmost to open the school in the event of bad weather as long as it is safe for us to do so. Staff will always endeavour to make every reasonable effort to undertake their normal journey to school. However, due to the distance that many of our staff have to travel, we cannot guarantee that they will all be able to arrive at their normal time or at all.


Essex County Council procedures for informing parents about school arrangements in the event of severe weather, any site issues or exceptional circumstances: are as follows:


  • Via the Essex County Council Emergency School Closure Website.


  • We will put an emergency notice on the home page of our school website as soon as a decision has been made.


  • We will add a message to the rolling banner of the home page. 


  • We will send an email to all parents and carers.


  • We will also send a text to all parents and carers through our Primary Site ‘Text Communication System’.


We understand that your journeys may also be disrupted, so we can be flexible with the registers and arrival times and of course the decision as to whether or not to send your children to school is at your discretion taking into account factors such as local road conditions and your own welfare and safety.


Noak Bridge Primary School remote provision


We have put education plans in place in the event of a school closure due to adverse weather.


Remote provision will be provided as follows:


1. On the first day of closure, work will be emailed for pupils to complete independently. There will be no live lessons or live registrations.

The links to join ‘live’ lessons on day two, will be emailed.

If staff are unable to provide live lessons on day two, you will be notified on the first day.


2. From day two, remote provision, will take effect:

  • All pupils will have a ‘live’ morning registration via Teams with their class teacher

                    8.50am for Key Stage 1

                    9:20am for Key Stage 2

  • Links to lessons from ‘Oak National Academy’, work or activities on Purple Mash will be emailed for pupils to complete independently
  • All pupils will have a ‘live’ check in at the end of the day:

14:00pm for Key Stage 1

14:30pm for Key Stage 2


Live lessons will be attended by the class teacher and teaching assistant, and may be monitored by the Headteacher and/or Deputy Head.


Any pupil requiring support with being able to access remote provision should ensure that it is brought to their class teacher’s attention on the first day - contact the school via:


