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Noak Bridge Primary SchoolExcellence, Growth, Achievement.

Welcome toNoak Bridge Primary SchoolExcellence, Growth, Achievement.

Computing Curriculum

At Noak Bridge Primary School our aim is for pupils to enjoy exploring the broad uses of technology and to become confident, competent, and safe users of this technology. 


Teachers will plan and teach lessons to ensure that every pupil is able to participate and achieve. All pupils at our school are provided with the opportunity to use and develop their computing skills in contexts appropriate to their current needs and experience.


At Noak Bridge we have invested in a programme called Purple Mash, which provides an adaptable Scheme of Work for classes to follow as well as programmes to hone and practise the skills taught through other National Curriculum subjects. Staff use Purple Mash to teach the Computing curriculum, however they are not required to teach exclusively through it and are encouraged to use other programs when more suitable. All KS1 and KS2 classes receive 1 hour per week Computing teaching, with the Computer Suite available where needed. The focus of one hour should be computing skills. Time that is not allocated in the suite can be used to consolidate skills or support other curriculum areas. Teachers and pupils also have access to tablets, Beebots, and Microbits to support learning in Computing and across other curriculum subjects. Additional technology can also be borrowed from the local NCCE hub. 


Our Computing curriculum is implemented through: 

· High quality teaching - staff have high expectations of all children 

· The consolidation of previous learning as well as introducing new skills and challenge 

· Emphasising key learning and key vocabulary 

· Recognising and utilising the skills of children who excel in the subject 

· Providing constructive feedback to children 


Online safety is an important part of the computing curriculum and is taught through regular assemblies and lessons are held throughout the year. All classes display a SMART online safety poster, and these are referred to regularly through both Computing and other cross curricular lessons if applicable. Noak Bridge Primary also takes part in the annual Safer Internet Day. Parents are updated on a regular basis with new information on online safety and can access a wide range of online safety materials through the school website
