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Noak Bridge Primary SchoolExcellence, Growth, Achievement.

Welcome toNoak Bridge Primary SchoolExcellence, Growth, Achievement.

Anti-Bullying Week

The week beginning 15th November we joined schools across the country to promote 'Anti-Bullying Week' with the theme 'One Kind Word'.

On Monday we wore Odd Socks as an opportunity for children to express themselves and celebrate their uniqueness. We can spread kindness by celebrating what makes us all unique.

In our RPSHE lessons this week we defined bullying, discussed what we should do if we see bullying, or you are being bullied, who can help us, what makes a good friend and how we can be kind. 

We had a virtual whole school assembly to get us thinking about how we can start the 'ripple of kindness'.

What will you do today to be kind?
